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Anyone else seeing the new survey from AC pop up? I have taken the survey three times now trying to get it to go way and it keeps returning like OCD’s mother! LOL 😆


Yep! So, I don’t watch any of my old favorite movies on regular television anymore.

NHWM - they probably had to cut out half of the movie to fit in all the commercials 🙄

Trust me Burnt I sweat plenty, even with an antiperspirant. I'm one of those lucky people who used to have actual drips rolling from my pits and down to my waistline, a simple just deodorant doesn't cut it.

I went with my boyfriend to see Jeremiah Johnson at the movie theater. I was in high school at the time. It’s an old western with Robert Redford. I loved Redford and went to see all of his movies.

Awhile back it was playing on a regular network and I decided to watch it. They edited it so much that I couldn’t enjoy the film.

That movie didn’t even have nudity or anything. They removed one of my favorite scenes, where Jeremiah is building his house.

I refuse to watch movies that were at the show and are now on regular television. They have to cut them severely to fit in the commercials. They cut out wonderful scenes.

That’s how I feel about the censorship here. They are taking out valid points and good information at times. I am grateful to the people who were brutally honest with me because it helped to wake me up from my caregiving coma!

“Nothing wrong with hearing all opinions.”

The problem isn’t us. The problem is, sometimes AC doesn’t want to hear all the opinions and deletes them, partially or completely.

People should be realistic and know that it’s impossible for everyone to agree on things.

Plus, we don’t have to agree on everything.

Nothing wrong with hearing all opinions. A debate, not a dispute. I would never expect the whole world to agree with me on everything. Nor do I expect that I will agree with everyone on everything.

Why post on a forum if you don’t want to hear different viewpoints. Don’t participate in threads that you don’t like. Simple! Common sense too!

I have seen posts of mine and plenty of other people deleted! Mine wasn’t profanity either, Burnt. Nor were the others.

It kind of reminds me of movies that have been formatted to show on regular television channels. They edit it to where I have no desire to watch it.

I've had pararaphs and entire posts removed or edited. I've even had my account suspended.

There's really no need for the censoring. I can understand that obscenity and profanity can't be allowed, but that's not the issue. There was never a whole lot of that going on since I've been a member of this group.

What I have a problem with is what the moderators allow to be posted.
The purpose of the forum was not supposed to be a place for people to complain about their caregivers. It's not an employment website. It's not for people with mental illness who are manic or people 'on the spectrum' who may have OCD and are seeking attention. It's not supposed to be a place for trolls, agitators, or social justice warriors who want to bring public attention to their causes.
Yet, I've seen all of this getting through and in quantity. No one moderates any of it.
I have said many times that I wished I had known about this group years ago because I've learned a lot from the people here. As of late though...
I think the moderators should be looking more at the kind of posts some people are making instead of policing the wording of people who have been posting here for years.
Just my opinion. Which as we all well know is always correct (LOL ;)


Never use anti-perspirant. People are supposed to sweat. Anti-perspirant a first class ticket to getting Alzheimer's disease.
Use a natural deodorant stick. I do and it works really well.

What's on my mind? Why is it so hard to find unscented antiperspirant? And why is the stuff that IS available never one of the kinds that come on sale?
(I'm smelling "sheer fresh" today)

I feel exactly the same way as you, Polarbear.

As for me, I’m considering leaving because of the new policies and over-censorship. Before, my feeling was only positive: we could all express ourselves; we might disagree on a topic, but you’re free to express your opinion. It felt good.

A different, but related thing:
Sometimes AC deleted certain paragraphs of posters. I really feel that’s not OK. That completely changed the meaning of what the posters said.

polarbear, 7/28/2023
On my mind: I dislike arguments and conflicts on this forum, but I dislike even more the new AC suspension policy. I dislike seeing it on the top of the news feed. The way I see it, AC is telling us in our faces every minute of every day that we are treated as children and will be disciplined when misbehave.

I still like AC forum because of the members, but I dislike it because of the new policy. I may eventually or soon leave . Many posters have left or banned/censored. I find it disturbing that BC and (maybe) lea were suspended. That's insulting. They are valuable contributing members of the forum.

BTW, I didn't see the post that David said was deleted, but I agree with him regarding the effects of censorship and the fear of being censored.

Let's see if this post of mine gets deleted or me suspended or banned. It will just prove my point. I'm getting tired of AC bosses.

polarbear, 7/28/2023

Good morning (-:

Good morning? ...🏳

Please don't bring your personal disputes over here, or to any of the other conversational threads 😶 - IMO conflict and/or inflammatory comments are best ignored, the endless finger pointing, speculation and justification does no one any good (and is against forum policy).

In addition, we are not just guests who say nothing. We are guests who write our opinions/advice, on a variety of topics. Those written opinions aren’t innocent: they can have side-effects or even be factually completely wrong.

Our written opinions on the site, have consequences. You might be pushing an OP into the wrong direction, wrong decision, without that ever having been your intention. That’s why it’s so important to allow a variety of written opinions. Within all that variety, OP might find some useful and factually correct solutions.

It’s dangerous to censor too much.

One sign of too much censorship is, not the realization that you mustn’t use bad language, but the fear to express how you really feel. Even having to warn others: careful expressing what you really think.

Another sign of too much censorship is not allowing a variety of points of views to be expressed.

It’s not speculation. The thread was deleted.

And I see nothing wrong with commenting on that. Nor do I see anything wrong with pointing out that we might be missing out on other comments and opinions as well, on other topics.

I’m not fearful of expressing the fact that a thread was eliminated. I see nothing wrong with saying it.

David, NHWM, MD,1798, and others,
Good Morning everyone!
Wondering what good can come from taking the discussion in this direction:
accusing AC of censoring; asserting one's perceived rights; calling to task the admins of AC; instigating negative speculation about what "they" may be withholding from posters/members???

Because we are but guests, voluntary contributors on this forum. It is about caregiving.
AC has told us the why of many things, but it appears people aren't listening:

Excerpt on top of everybody's Newsfeed, the first two posts from AC Admins:

"Moderators will not have the authority to reverse suspensions or removals and will not discuss them with other members. These boundaries have been drawn to preserve the safety and integrity of the forum." 

If the Moderators will not discuss suspensions or removals with other members, it would be rude to discuss it amongst all of us, imo.
It serves no purpose, unless a poster has the goal of instigating divisions or a disturbance. The AC Forum does not answer to us.

Carry on, stop being suspicious and paranoid. As best you can. Avoid people who cause dissensions.

I loved Capt like I love my crazy uncle who I know I have to steer clear of when he's been drinking, or he might say things that make me uncomfortable. lol

Just making jokes, and it's all in love. Any conflict I ever had with him was minor and is long over. I do hope his son's killer was found and brought to justice to help provide some kind of closure. That's an unfathomable loss.

Hi! It was in questions. Of course I checked both sections. AC deleted it. I think the thread was very useful, many good opinions from many people. I don’t think it was good to censor it.

Makes me wonder what else is censored? What other opinions, comments are we missing out on?


Was the post in questions or discussions? Check each section.

It looks like AC deleted yesterday’s thread about an OP who felt guilty about whether she did enough or not for her mom. Weird. I think a lot of posters made very good points in that thread. I feel it’s weird to eliminate and censor that thread.

I think the intention of some of my recent posts on abusive elderly people, was misunderstood. Some forum members thought I was ranting in the thread I created on how to heal. Or they thought I’m dealing with the healing myself.

The fact is, over time, I collected a lot of useful information on elderly people who abuse their caregivers, and who were always abusive in their lives. By caregiver, I mean any type of helping (doesn’t have to be hands-on).

Rather than keep the information to myself, I prefer to share it on my thread, in case it’s useful for people (now and years from now) who’re being abused by the people they care for.

It’s too bad some of you were annoyed that there were many posts about this. It must be that you yourself are not currently in such a situation (or if you are, you already have an exit plan).

But I know for a fact, that many forum members ARE in such an abusive situation right now. And any information can help: it can create a lightbulb moment (like “Oh my God!! That’s what MY mom’s been doing too, WHILE I’m helping HER. I finally understand what she’s been doing my whole life. I can now make whatever decisions I need to make, now that I know the game she’s been playing with me.”)

So although those many posts might not be useful for those who were annoyed to see them: they might in fact be very useful for other people who ARE in that very unfair, abusive situation, WHILE helping the abusive LO.

Abusive doesn’t have to be physical/verbal/etc…
It can also be abusive in the sense of exploitative: there’s a limit where the elderly person might be stealing WAY TOO MUCH of someone else’s time.

In fact, the caregiver might not even realize they’re being abused (exploited).

An empathetic, just, fair elderly person doesn’t want to steal your life.

You're on your own there. It's obvious you are one of us who would never get his humor. Innocence is bliss, maybe it pertains to you.
You do ask a lot of questions, advising that maybe you do not want to know all the answers.

Weird though, that women especially can get to an advanced age and be presumed to have virgin ears.

You woulda had to have been there. Continue being nice to others. That will go further than insulting them, telling them their "shower post" was bizarre.
Yes, I was insulted, but I forgive you, Lol.

Carry on.

I am not myself these past 5 days. Got bit by a spider.

CWillie, glad you found the courage to start posting. You are a valuable member here.


Let's treat the newbies with a message from the Captain:

LOL Barb! You are right, "Courtesy of the Captain"!

Dec 2014
they havent forced the evacuation of indianapolis yet , or cinncinnatti , or cleveland , england ,
germany , australia or israel .
i still would be apprehensive about getting authorities involved tho , most are rich kids too detached from common folk to even understand the world . diotomecious earth fk ' s bedbugs up but you have to use it properly then leave it alone . if your gonna get ocd and vaccum it back up every day your wasting your time . the human hosts are the targets . isolate every bed and chair where a human spends time with the DE . then its a waiting game -- youre the bait . the bugs are going to walk thru the DE to bite you but in doing so theyre gonna die . pestmall online sells great zip up mattress and box spring cover pretty reasonably . before you zip up the mattress toss DE inside the covers . a spray bottle full of wintergreen alcohol kills bugs and eggs on contact for the occasions when you see one . you can wipe them out but it takes a couple of months . DE is just pulverized sea corral . it isnt poisonous and wont hurt humans . if you see bugs or exoskeletons inside of fluffy chairs or couches , burn the furniture . sitting it to the curb is just the wrong thing to do . dont burn expensive beds , theyre easy to protect and treat . DE is dirt cheap on ebay .
bed bugs dont travel far . they only live within about an 8 ft radius of where humans sit and sleep . they aint hangin out in the kitchen is what im sayin .

Re:Cap Bob--that was "late in the day on Christmas Eve" when we discovered we had bed bugs.

It is a bit weird.
Maybe if we followed our own advice, that would work for us?

When a home is draped for termites, doesn't everyone have to leave?

Speaking of the Captain. He did speak to the spirit of rebellion we all have in us.

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