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Yay! LSU Home Run! Tiger fans going wild!!!

Geaux Tigers!

We play in the Championship games!

Final score

2 - 0

Okay, this game is working on my nerves!

11th inning!

Score 0 -0

Oh yes, the "what ifs". There were stories of handicapped people being helped and saved. A museum visit would probably be good for both dh and son. They both were so close to it. You don't "get over" something like that. It changes you. And I know you all are so thankful dh was not there.

Yeah, DH and my son have been talking about going to the museum . My son loved riding the train and subway going with Dad to the “ big buildings” when he was young .

I know if DH had been there that day he might not be here now . DH talked about a man on his floor that was in a wheelchair ( paraplegic ) . He wondered if he was there and what happened , did anyone try to help him .

Way - that must be so hard on him. A person would never forget something like that.

My DH worked in the North tower , left that job a year before 9/11. His former secretary was found sitting near the bottom of a stairwell pretty intact still clutching her purse . Autopsy revealed she succumbed to smoke inhalation , the building collapsed in such a way that she was in a void . Not sure if she died before or after the collapse. My DH also knew a husband and wife who also died, leaving small children behind . My DH knew 7 or 8 people from his floor, 62 nd. who perished . For a good 10 years my DH couldn’t watch videos every time the news would play them on the anniversary, nor would he talk on that day , unless he had to . He used to take our son there on take your kid to work day . My husband’s screen saver on his computer is a picture of our son and my DH on the roof and the roof of the other tower and the sky is behind them .

Nothing exciting yet. Score is 0 - 0.

Any baseball fans out there?

Have to watch my Tigers! Big game tonight. Bye all.


I am really weird when it comes to dealing with heights. I’m fine in certain situations and uncomfortable in others.


I can’t even imagine what your friend is going through. It’s the worst.

The sad part is the CEO kowingly cut corners on this build and refused additional testing. Arrogance and stupidity caused this tragedy. He bragged about using a Nintendo game controller to operate the sub and hired young, green engineers to work on it because he didnt want to hire old white guys because they weren't cool enough and wouldn't maje a good story.

Receiving the important news from friends on this forum has made the tragedy feel like I am less alone in being very sad for the victims and their families.

RIP sub-voyagers.

My dH will not watch the news with me.

I share in the grief, sadness, and losses of everyone here, especially those who are empaths and sensitive to world tragedies.

Very sad and tragic.

Gershun yes. It sounds like their death was mercifully fast.

Barb - Agreed. Not having tangible evidence of your LO and what happened to them has to be the worst! So hard to process the grief.

Need - I think of her too and have read some accounts, but no one really knows what happened to her.

I'm sorry about your claustrophobia. It must be difficult at times. I don't do well with heights. I'm ok in an airplane but even leaning over a banister can make me feel weird. and I could never do a summersault except in the water.

Amen, NHWM; I have a friend/colleague whose mom died in the North Tower on 9/11. No body or anything ever found. The lack of ability to bury something is terrible for her.


I feel absolutely awful for their families. Indeed, God bless their families.

I am glad the Coast Guard found them. Not ever knowing what happened is the worst.

Sometimes, I think about Amelia Earhart’s plane. We will never know exactly what happened.

I have horrible claustrophobia. I would never be able to do a submarine excursion.

Nor would I be able to get on a rocket ship and travel into space.

I would love to see the scenery but I couldn’t handle that mode of transportation.

I absolutely hate MRI’s in the hospital. Some people don’t suffer as much from claustrophobia. I have had panic attacks and had to close my eyes in order to get through it.

I'm glad their death was probably instant from what I've heard rather than a long, fearful experience.

God Bless their families.


Yeah, I don’t think anyone had high hopes of them surviving.

Very sad, Need. I have been following the news. A rescue looked pretty hopeless from very early on.

Sad ending for the passengers of the submarine who were going to explore the titanic.

Rest in Peace.

i'm travelling at the moment for work.
i'm somewhere where tomorrow (23 june 2023) (midsummer festival) we'll have 24 hours sunshine!! :) :) :)

i'll do something fun outside at 2 am...3 am...4 am...

Thanks, Llama 😊

Need: Yay for your team.

BC: Welcome back.

Yay! We won!!! One more game tomorrow night!

Yes! LSU is ahead now.


Wake 2

Geaux Tigers! 😊

Watching the LSU college World Series. Geaux Tigers!

Game just started and LSU has already switched pitchers. Not looking good for us so far. Wake has scored.

If LSU loses this game they are out. 😞

Glad you are back, BC!

hi golden,

i don't have insomnia. i posted the sheep 🙂🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 as being "the insomnia team", in response to some people mentioning sleep trouble.

huggg :)

heron - hope you are getting better from covid

boj - sorry about your insomnia, Have you tried deep breathing - or counting bears??? lol

cw - stick to your guns, even if they are old fashioned in some peoples eyes.

burnt - welcome back. Hope all is going well in your world.

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