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That’s how the recipe is written, I cup of sugar but I have reduced it to 3/4 of a cup and it’s fine. It makes 12 servings and it’s 257 calories per serving.

I have not tried any sugar substitutes. I don’t use them and don’t know which ones are best to use.

How much sugar do you put in your banana bread?

I use BreadDad’s recipe.

Banana bread with oil (No butter banana bread)

He has lots of bread recipes!

It’s true. Banana bread is more like dessert than bread. I think all quick bread recipes are more like cake. One day I want to try zucchini bread.

Holy smoke that's a lot of sugar... that sounds more like banana cake than banana bread 🤔


Oh my gosh, a cream cheese glaze on top of banana bread would be fantastic!

I did try chocolate chips in mine once but I like walnuts or pecans the best.

Same with brownies. I love nuts in them. I don’t make them often but I do have a really moist and chewy brownie recipe.

I don’t like using box mixes for anything. It takes the fun out of cooking. I rather cook from scratch.

I make homemade cakes but not very often, maybe once or twice a year. It’s too much for just my husband and myself. I have to share them when I get the urge to bake a cake.


I love all of your cooking! I’m sure those adaptations are wonderful! Will have to try them out.

Thanks for sharing.


Anyone who knows me, knows that I love my coffee. Pour me a cup when you serve yours! 😊

NHWM, my recipe comes from grom an old Norge cookbook and doesn't have baking soda - if fact I cannot remember a recipe calling for baking soda without buttermilk. I'm going to try your recipe and see if there's any difference in taste. I love mine plain with some milk or coffee but my brother and the boys like a little cream cheese spread.

I use the same banana bread recipe but, I add a 1/4 cup of buttermilk or sour cream, whatever I have and it is a game changer. Oh, I always use half white and half dark brown sugar, we like the molasses flavor of the dark sugar.

So, here is my shamelessly easy banana bread recipe.

3 large bananas or 1 and I/2 cups smashed (345 grams)

1/2 cup vegetable oil or other neutral oil for baking (115 milliliters)

2 large eggs

I cup white granulated sugar (200 grams) or 1 cup light brown sugar (215 grams)

2 cups all purpose flour (240 grams)

1 teaspoon vanilla (5 milliliters)

1 teaspoon baking soda (5 grams)

1 teaspoon baking powder (4grams)

1/2 teaspoon salt (3 grams)

I cup chopped walnuts (115 grams) (optional)

9 X 5 loaf pan

Preheat oven at 325 degrees and bake for 60 to 75 minutes.

Do not use an electric mixer to combine ingredients! Use a spoon!

Simple, easy and delicious!

Do y’all smell my bread baking? 😊

Makes approximately 12 slices at 257 calories per slice

Thanks Barb!
I will need that later in another recipe.
The banana bread is looking like a very simple and easy recipe.

It's been awhile since baking.

If I get some made, I will squish some through the internet for you, BOJ.
Do you want chocolate chips in your banana bread?
Or swirls of cream cheese?

Catskie, Duggars are as dysfunctional as they come. It’s a sham .Golden , the Delaware River is less than half its normal level. I’m assuming our water reservoirs are low as well . I used to always have the greenest lawn in the neighborhood. Got tired of dragging the hoses. Gave that up a few years ago. It gets green again when it rains . Plenty of clay here that holds water for awhile . When I lived on Long Island I did have irrigation system. Had to it’s sand there , have to water the lawn everyday when it was hot or it would die and you lose the whole lawn

Need, that’s cool. I didn’t know burnt was getting married .

talk later...

i'll try send's AND need's banana bread. and anyone else making banana bread.

So Shiny Happy People is about The Duggar family? I need to watch that.
I love REM's song by the same name. Lol
And for everyone who got much needed rain, that's good news. Florida of course has been getting plenty of rain now it's June.


Talk later.
I am going to look up a recipe for banana bread that does not require baking powder.
I have the bananas, flour, butter, canned evaporated milk, baking soda, if that is needed.

What a good idea, after I finish watching church online.

talk later...

i am on my way to need's house for banana bread.

Talk later…

I am going to the kitchen to bake my favorite banana bread recipe! I let a few bananas get overripe so they are perfect for me to make my banana bread.

Hope all of you waiting for rain get it soon.

Burnt is busy running her caregiver business and I hope she is busy with her wedding plans! I don’t think they were in a hurry but I am so happy that she reunited with her ex and that they will be married again.

Prayers for all areas that need rain!!! Here June was always the "rainy" month, but with climate change you couldn't count on it every year.

cw - I hate crunchy grass!!! Hope you get your internet problems sorted. What a pain!!!

way - I give in and do a good watering once in a while. From the sounds of it you have a very large grassed area. If I were to be in a house again (not likely) I would have a sprinkler system put in the lawn. No idea about burnt.

I’m not getting any rain either in my area of PA. My grass is burnt to a crisp. I’m not wasting the water to water it .

Wishing for rain here too, it's so dry the grass crunches when I walk across it.

Still having internet problems, since my ISP can't see anything wrong remotely I've been doing everything I'm comfortable trying out on my end but no luck. I guess I should be grateful I can get on the web at all, but it's frustrating when so many sites don't work properly.

Where is burntcaregiver ??
She normally would have been all over that post blaming the hired caregivers for an old woman not walking as well as some other situations . Seems like she’s been gone a couple of weeks

Golden ,,, Yay. Rain 💧💧🌧️🌧️☔️🎉🎉

Golden, Praise The Lord!

Rain!!! 🌦⛈🌧 Hallelujah - it's pouring. It rained steadily for a while last night and now it is coming down very heavily, and, in fact we have a severe thunderstorm and hail warning. No signs of that so far, just blessed rain. This will help put the fires out and prevent more fires. It's even raining a bit in Fort Chip! Bring out the umbrellas!!! ☂☂☂


It’s a wonderful idea! I have a friend who visits her mom every week and calls her once a day at her NH.

Her mom has Alzheimer’s disease and my friend has concerns about her mom not recognizing her one day.

The head nurse at the facility asked the activities director if she could help the residents with Alzheimer’s disease connect with their families via telephone calls. She agreed to help. I’m quite sure that she would love to have others helping her out with the phone calls.

I bet your idea is well received by the facility. You’re very kind to offer your services to the residents and their families.

Just something "On My Mind". I have an idea for nursing homes to have a person (volunteer maybe) that helps patients and loved ones communicate by phone. Maybe FaceTime or just a simple call. Nursing homes are understaffed these days and often don't have the time to be helping facilitate these calls. Could be one or two days a week. Going room to room with a list of numbers and names for people who want to use this service. Time limit on calls of 10 minutes. What do you think?

Watched a documentary about Mary Tyler Moore. I have always admired her.

Her third husband was 10 years younger and a Jewish doctor! She was Catholic so they had an interfaith wedding. He had his Rabbi and she had her priest.

I think she may be onto something here!!! 😊 It certainly seemed like she was happiest after marrying him. He appeared to be a great guy.


Yes, it is a disgrace that these situations exist. I am amazed that so many people become involved with following this type of leadership. Again, I use the word ‘leadership’ very loosely.

I suppose that either they are spiritually starving and fall for it or they they have lived very sheltered lives. However it happens, they are horribly deceived by people who have nothing more than greed in their hearts.

It’s fascinating how much control groups like this have over others. Once members of the congregation take the bait they become puppets and do whatever the leaders ask of them.

I feel most sorry for the children who are born into these groups. If and when they get out they need tons of therapy to heal.

Watched part of the worst documentary ever. 🙈🙉🙊

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