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Yep! It’s beyond unconscionable that these things happen.

Need. When my DH was a kid, he got sent away to sleepover summer camp one week each summer. When we had kids, my in laws were trying to get us to send our kids to camp . My DH said absolutely not !! He was not touched at camp but was aware that some of the other boys were.


I completely understand.

I am glad that these sleazy organizations are being exposed for what they truly are.

Need, don’t get me started ……, you know how I feel about organized religion based on bad experiences . My god is outside wherever I find peace . Sometimes it’s at the beach or sitting on my backyard deck watching the sunset , or a park . I do find comfort sitting in an empty chapel as well , I have done that on occasion as well at the hospital . But the minute I wasn’t alone there I would leave.

Way and cwille,

It is tragic how these young people are abused by their parents and the leaders in their church.

Trust me, I use the terms, “leaders and church” very loosely! They actually belong to a high demand, controlled religious movement.

Or in simpler terms, they are nothing more than a cult. Those at the top are raking in the cash selling their dangerous propaganda.

They are brainwashed to believe that they will go to hell if they walk away or disobey their parents. So very sad.

my daughter always wished for one of those Duggar kids to rebel . Well that oldest boy is in jail !! That’s not what my daughter had in mind. She just wanted the girls to wear pants !!


Watch the doc. It’s well done.

Yep, you are absolutely correct. It was all an act!

I wouldn't mind seeing that NHWM, back in the day I thought the Duggars seemed a little too wholesome to be true.


It was Shiny Happy People. It’s on Amazon Prime.

Absolutely insane people!

MD1748, that’s the Carousel of Progress. Still active in Orlando when we took the kids in 2015. They extolled the features of a modern smart home, with, for example, voice activation of the oven. All is well until he calls out a number during a game, and the oven resets to 900+ degrees, charring Christmas dinner.

A fun show. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING tops the Haunted Mansion. (I’ve only been to world, not land)

My internet has occasionally been acting wonky for a while now but yesterday after a power outage it became especially slow and a lot of web sites wouldn't load properly, then went down altogether. I spent a frustrating amount of time this morning trying to access technical support (seems my phone isn't working properly either) and was told the nearest tech appointment isn't til J 23 - that's completely unacceptable, especially since I spend my whole day reading, watching and playing games on line. And then suddenly voila, I'm back on line. I wish I knew WTF is going on because despite their denials it sure seems like an ISP problem to me.

Re: Disney World... admission was over $100 back in the late 90s when I took my oldest son. Found out that an "adult" was anyone over age 12. Disney is for kids? Nah. I grew up watching it every Sunday night. Sometimes I still get a little teary when I hear, "When You Wish Upon a Star". But then I think about the entrance fee and I snap out of it.

sp, I searched for Stacy and it seems that all her posts and threads which she started were deleted. The search results still show the threads like “Do you believe in spirits?”, however, when I clicked on the link, it came back with “Whoops. “Too bad. I like many of the replies in that particular thread.

Too bad Stacy wasnt on here anymore. They released the 2023 hurricane names and Gert is one of the names this year.

i was speaking to an elderly female friend of mine, who said she thinks she has the beginning of Alzheimer's symptoms. i said, the things to watch out for are...
...when you start craving for sweets
...when you start exercising less
...when you start...em...wait, i forgot what the 3rd point was...

suddenly it occurred to me, i was describing myself to her!
oh boy.

will go eat a vegetable now.

nothing to do with caregiving, just a funny typo i just made. i was explaining to a friend about the ancient greeks. and i wrote, "the ancient geeks believed in..."

I just started watching 'Couples Therapy'. Intetersting.

Couple #1 Mr I deserve an awe inspiring amazing birthday party every year. Couple #2 Mrs I will call you with every thought I have & demand you pick up & listen everytime.

Sad the power just went out. Maybe four hours to fix. About to eat takeaway in the dark.

Feel your pain re stupid bills & utility companies MD..😪

Maybe I will buy the manager some flowers and Sees candy. Then get her some tickets to Disneyland.

A book on how to find a real job.

You know, offer a blessing instead?

I just binge watched a new documentary on Amazon Prime. There are crazy, stupid and insane people out there!!!

Getting ready to pay a "Stupid Tax", I will call it.
The rent bill comes with utilities detailed on the bill, and must be paid with the rent, in one check. Following up on the 2nd.

There is an error in the gas portion of the bill. Being charged for 235 cu. ft. instead of 212. The meter is not yet at 235!

After writing, called management who said this:

"I don't know what the meter reading has to do with the billing".

"I did not read your meter wrong".

And other fancy stuff to indicate nothing will be done to correct the bill.

Took a pill, took a nap.
Decided to pay the extortion rate.

Then will start a slow campaign to contact the agencies that monitor these things for seniors. The Weights & Measures Dept. The Gas Company. The CPUC. The Lord God Amighty, who is Jesus.

Not worth anyone's time for $39. Just do not underestimate those seniors!

But it was the Stupid that the manager said that got to me.

I wish my life had been more boring and had less intrusive drama . It could have been better if I had learned to set boundaries before I was in my mid 50’s and losing my mind from caregiving for a narcissist . I have little to no contact now with most of my toxic family that my mother created .

I learned alot from my 'elderly' father. He was intelligent and a good person. I inherited his fix it skills but
unfortunately not the cooking or gardening. My sister loves cooking (not me) and flowers & plants don't stand a chance in my care. 😩

🙂 i like learning from elderly people. i saw an interview recently, asking many elderly people what they advise:

--find something you're passionate about. try to make it your job. it would be great if you say, "i can’t believe i get paid to do this!"
--learn something new every day
--if someone comes at you, yells at you, or insults you, look the other way
--just be a good person. if you’re a good person, somehow everything works out to be good.

Amen to having a little boring!

May we all be blessed with some.

Love you all! May The Lord bless and keep us all this day.

cat - I could use a little "boring". Nothing wrong with that. I used to say, "All I want is a little humdrum".

Reading everyone's stories about growing up makes me realize... I've lived (and still do)a pretty boring, sheltered life. 😁

Way, thx. It is scary. As Need points out every area has their problems, but not all are as lethal. Where I grew up we had the occasional earthquake but nothing that damaged property.

In 2016 when I drove away from the house, bumper to bumper traffic for miles, I had no idea if, within a couple of days, my house would still be standing . I eventually found one of the oil sands work camps associated with a huge processing plant. Another evacuee there said "Oh the fire can't come here". I said "Sure it can." And it could have.

Fortunately the wind changed and it moved east away from us. I was one of the lucky ones to be flown out. My son here and his wife got through by highway. My dd and fam were in another camp and some of the last ones flown out. I couldn't breathe properly until l I knew they had landed in Edmonton safely. R was in Edmonton at the time and beside himself thinking of volunteering for fire fighting. NO!!! Oldest son J had us, all his family, up here. It was a strange and difficult time.

Yes, the condo is in a safer area, another one of my reasons for moving. Not that there aren't fires, but it is built up so you don't have the acres and acres of forest that is so flammable in dry seasons. We here and also Fort Chip are totally surrounded by forest. It will end once it rains and rains and rains.

Golden ,

Sounds like a scary HE ** (double hockey sticks) . Is your condo in a less fire prone area ?

I hope this ends soon . Stay safe . 🙏🏻

Thx, send. Most of the houses in the 2016 fire were left intact, though a couple of subdivisions were essentially levelled. A few people did stay and were fine. I am not the least bit interested in staying in my house and being burnt. It would have been possible to stay and be safe.

My dd watched her dogs on someone's security cam. They were eventually rescued and returned to them but after the fire in town was out. She wasn't able to bring them with her.

It's not like a flood which covers all of an area. Some areas are burnt but one or a few houses may be OK. Other areas are OK but one house may be burnt.

Yes, it does raise emotions (and hormones) for sure. I know how the people in Fort Chip are feeling right now.

Bless God it rained last night here - not much but any is better than none.

Prayers for you Golden, and the many people who have had to evacuate their homes.
I know it feels safer to try to stay in your home sometimes, rather than drive through fire. Or leave your home and get to the main street and you go nowhere, because it is bumper to bumper with smoke in the area.

It does bring back all those past fires, the minute you smell smoke, and have to be on alert for quite awhile.

It raises our cortisol levels for sure.

Any rain in your forecast?

The river is a good idea!

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