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Thanks, Llama.

Need: Congratulations to your daughter and her new residence.🏠 Hugs to her breakup of the bf.


I will definitely miss her but she knows that I want her to be happy and choose her own path in life.

I have always taught her to be an independent woman and she has done exactly that.

Families don’t always live in the same area these days. When she lived in Colorado we spoke on the phone frequently.

The same thing when my oldest daughter lived in Alabama. We were in touch with each other on a regular basis.

Re both Need and Pam's daughters - better it ends sooner than later, but it is still hard on them.

Need - 40 years for you. That's awesome too. You will miss your dd when she moves.


It’s better for your daughter to end the relationship now rather than get into a messy situation and suffer more hardship afterwards.

My daughter thought the last guy was “the one” that she would marry. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.

They were on two separate paths so to speak. She’s extremely ambitious and he was dragging his feet. It wasn’t going to work out for them.

My daughter was sad after she ended the relationship but she felt that it was for the best. She was working days. He worked nights.

He had no desire to finish college, which is incredibly sad. He’s a really smart guy. He was a med student that left the medical field and ended up being a sushi chef.

My daughter didn’t care about him leaving med school behind if he would have been happy as a chef.

He wasn’t happy and was always complaining about everything but didn’t want to explore other possibilities in his life. He wouldn’t go to therapy to discuss his feelings.

My daughter graduated years ago. They had different approaches on how to live life.

Pam, 42 years is a long time! I am married over 40 years too. We are getting old! 😆

Thx need. Sounds like your dd has made a good move -very sensible. Your grand dog will love the snow. I hope you don't have to evacuate too.

Pam congratulations - that's awesome! Breathe deep!!! It will all get sorted out.

So, time is up for Elizabeth Holmes. She’s entering prison. She will have visitation from her husband and children.

It’s extremely sad that people make really dumb decisions and then have to pay dearly for their mistakes. Her youngest child is just an infant.

Happy Anniversary Pamzi!!!!

Today is my 42end wedding anniversary. Not bad these days! I did start the day off wierdly however. Called to refill hubs BP meds,, he is overdue for an apt..( thier computer was down and we forgot to call back) they can see him tomorrow. OK Then called the vet to get Chloes med refilled,, she is overdue for shots,, apt next week now! They messed up on sending out reminder cards. Talked to DD,, she is breaking up with the latest BF,, thinks he is not over his ex yet ( in her defense she thought his divorce was final when they met) so she;s a a bit depressed. I am afraid to take my BP tomorrow!!

Just two days away from hurricane season.

Hopefully, it won’t be a very active season.

It’s a pain having to evacuate.

So, my daughter settled into her new apartment (uptown) New Orleans over the weekend.

She chose a small house to rent in a fantastic location. She was tired of living in the complex next to neighbors who fought constantly. The police were called numerous times because their fights went on and on. This couple had young children that I felt badly for.

It’s a small world. Her current landlord used to live in the same section of Denver as she did when he was married. She was able to get her short term lease (6 months) and then lease month to month if needed.

She’s looking forward to moving back to Denver. She moved back to New Orleans after her breakup with her longtime boyfriend and I think the change has been good for her.

She absolutely fell in love with Colorado and I completely understand why she wants to return there.

She loves the diversity of the area, she can drive to the mountains and go skiing or snowboarding. Salaries are much higher paying than they here.

I’m really glad that she was able to keep her job and work remotely while she is here.I was fortunate when I was younger and rented as far as having good landlords and neighbors.

I feel bad for people who get stuck with rotten landlords and neighbors. I never had to fight with a landlord to maintain their property. If something broke they promptly fixed it.

The worst thing I dealt with was a couple of crappy roommates that I had to ask to leave. I suppose there are pros and cons to all situations. Complexes offer amenities such as gyms and a pool.

A house offers privacy. My daughter values privacy more than having a gym and pool. She gets tons of exercise walking her Siberian husky!


Your granddaughter sounds like she is a very special young woman. I can certainly see why you are very proud of her. Not only did she set goals, she overcame obstacles and achieved her goals. That’s fabulous!

Cat - I can't express how proud I am both of her and of her mum, my dd. Despite the cancer exhaustion dd has had and still has to some extent, she has been there for her dd (my dgd) in spades. Its wonderful to see this young woman blooming,

Golden, I bet you're very proud of her! She has a great start on a successful future.

Spending the afternoon at the local pool with all the younger kids (who are not working). Girls club brought 50+ girls so the boys were "forced" to use the diving boards sine the splash pad was "overrun" with the girls. Its uncommonly quite since the girls have left. In spite of being the Memorial Day week, its been a cool summer so far with overnight lows in the mid-50s and today we have only gotten to 76.

golden: You're welcome.

Thx Llama.

golden: Congratulations to dgd.

cat - she was diagnosed with BPD (like my mother) and ODD (oppositional defiant disorder)and was a very difficult child to bring up. I can't tell you the energy that went into that girl - most of it by my dd as sil didn't get it and tended to give her what she wanted. Also prayer, of course, by her parents and me. For a while she didn't like me as I drew boundaries. The turn around has been astounding. She finished high school on time, is in a good relationship with a nice stable guy, they moved to Edmonton and both have jobs and are planning their first holiday together. She is compliant with meds and seeing a psychiatrist. She calls her mum for advice and support regularly. She is truly a walking miracle! Bless God!!!

That is great Golden! Glad she got a good job and beat out many candidates. Have faith :)

Yes need - glad you are looking after your BP.

On my mind today - great news about dgd - she got a supervisors job where she works. She was one of about 200 candidates for her starting job there so she did well in that interview and has done so again. At age 19 and with her history it's a miracle. She wants to move up in the company and looks forward to more training. That girls can do anything she wants to, if she puts her mind to it.

Need: Please take care that your blood pressure doesn't spike. I do see that you have it under control. That's good.

Tina was a DV survivor! God bless her.


Tina Turner’s kidney issues stemmed from her high blood pressure. Her second husband donated his kidney to her.

I had horrible high blood pressure during my pregnancy and my caregiver days. All of us have to take our blood pressure seriously. I was placed on bedrest during my pregnancy.

I am on the highest dosage of BP meds but my recent visit to the doctor showed my BP in a normal range.

I do take my pressure at home. I can tell when my sodium level is up from eating out.

My pressure will spike when I eat too much salt. It’s easier to eat at home when trying to control sodium levels.

It runs in my family. My dad and brothers BP always ran high too.

Tina Turner was an icon. She was amazing!

Rest in Peace, Tina Turner.

She died in Switzerland at 83, (stroke, kidney failure and cancer.)

She survived an abusive marriage and went on to become a legend! She was truly an inspiration.

I am so happy that she found love again with a man who treated her well.

It’s interesting…

Insecure men are often abusive. They feel threatened by their wives. They certainly don’t want to have to depend upon their wives for their livelihood. The truth is, their wives had all of the talent!

Ike and Tina remind me so much of Sonny and Cher. Cher was the talented one. Cher wasn’t abused by Sonny but I will never forget her saying, “A master is a master!”

Strong women will never allow insecure men to control them. I admire them so much for not allowing a man and a bad marriage to hold them back from accomplishing their goals.

Marriage is wonderful if it’s the right pairing. If it isn’t, it’s better to go separate ways, hopefully cordially, but if not, oh well…

Thanks to all for condolences re my friend. She is in a better place I know and I will miss her.

send - I have the AB govt emergency app on my iPhone. All evacuation alerts come through them. I am watching the local fire status on my laptop and, bless God, all are extinguished at present and the air quality is much improved. Thanks for asking.

Sorry to hear you lost such a good friend, Golden.

Send: Thank you so much. You as well - have a good night.

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