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Burnt, I believe if you'd been "banned" you would have been notified by AC and you would be able to sign back in after the ban was lifted.

Did you contact Ashley to report that you couldn't log in?

So you were banned, it wasn't a glitch?

Glad to see you back Burnt, by any name! Sorry you got locked out. Not the first time that's happened on AC.

Welcome back Burnt2!

Good to see you back burnt.

cwillie: Feel better.

CW, feel better soon!

Dear FIL everytime you make a comment on a facebook post bragging about your excellent parenting skills I will be right there to remind you that you are a child abusing POS.

Feel better cwillie. The grands give the best invisible gifts that show up after you leave.

Virus laden. Lol
Oh never mind.. I figured it out

My dear little virus laden kiddies sent me home with a present - I got a sore throat over night and have been napping on and off all day (sigh) 🤒😷
I took a RAT just because I still have some and they will be expiring anyway but it come up negative, so as far as I know I've still not had that 🤷🏻‍♀️

I have a bottle of nesquik in my fridge right now LOL

My 33 and 26 year old still put Hershey’s syrup in their milk sometimes .

Dairy is strictly controlled here, I've never heard of adding sugar to plain white milk.

Not all low-fat or fat free milks have added sugar - the half gallons and gallons purchased at the grocery store may not. I was surprised to realize the milk at McDs had corn syrup added to it. I noticed the nutritional info print on the side of the carton one day and saw the calories seemed too high for 8 oz of milk and wondered why. Then I saw the same thing in the milk at the schools and then looked at the milk individual servings targeted at children available at the grocery store - and found many of them had added sugars! Then the craze over almond milk came in and found most of them have added sugar too. So now I carefully read the labels, especially since discovering the salt in many common foods (that we don't necessarily consider salty) are very high and pushes my blood pressure up.

I add Hershey's syrup to whole milk to make the chocolate milk my grand-nephew loves and it still has fewer carlories than the 2% chocolate milk served with happy meals or at his school.

I put my glasses on . Lol. My milk ingredients are …low-fat milk,
vitamin A, vitamin D. So I guess no added sugar .

Ah that makes sense Barb, I wasn't thinking of the change in volume. But even so the differences are small unless you are consuming a lot of milk, IMO it's not plain milk that is causing childhood obesity.

CW, because the fat is removed, the percentage of lactose will increase in non-fat milk--it's the proportion of lactose, not the absolute amount.

It's been a long time since I studied food composition but as far as I can remember the lactose content shouldn't change between skim, 2% and whole milk, the difference there is in the amount of butterfat (0%, 2% and 3.25%). Scientific names for sugars end with "ose", and lactose is naturally occurring milk sugar just as fructose, glucose and sucrose occur naturally in fruits and veggies, and maltose in grains. The two most common flavoured milks I'm aware of are chocolate and strawberry, and both have added sugar (sucrose).
I've recently learned that most african and asian people are lactose intolerant because they lack a gene that allows northern europeans to digest milk past infancy - I think perhaps the controversies around milk may be attributable to north america becoming more racially diverse.

My skim milk has no added sugar. It says so explicitly.

My 1% milk at home has 110 calories per serving. I’ll have to compare them when I go shopping. It’s interesting . It’s also interesting since DH has diabetes . I
don’t like whole milk . Too thick . I prefer skim but we compromise . Thanks .

Way2Tired, whole milk does contain sugars, usually about 11g compared to plain 2% milk at 12g but with 30 less calories. Many brands add sugars to their non-fat or reduced fat milk products. You can usually tell when the calories go up. In the lunchroom the whole milk had 50 FEWER calories than the non-fat stuff the Obama administration supported. I would rather the kids have the milk with all the fat soluble vitamins God intended than the corn syrup added non-fat stuff. Several studies indicate the fat in certain foods (including milk) make them more filling and result in fewer total calories being eaten. I think the fat kids problem 20% of kids have is more about the time spent sitting watching videos or playing game systems and consuming more fast food than the extra calories they take in home cooked food or milk products (my home fried chicken breast and mashed potatoes has fewer calories and salt than fast food nuggets and fries). Don't cut down on recess or gym time! The kids at my house are expected to be doing something outside when the weather is nice. Play the game systems when its cold or dark or raining - after your homework is done.

JoAnn, I worked 15 years for an elementary school. Whenever I had cafeteria duty we put the extras on a cart for kiddos to take. It is ridiculous how much food gets tossed though.


Lowfat or nofat is really not good for kids. They need the fat that is in whole milk. I never had to add flavoring to milk for my girls, they loved milk just the way it was.

I have been in a school cafeteria, maybe 35 yrs ag, and have seen the waste. Apples thrown in the trash and full cartons of milk. Why, because the cafeteria ladies are mandated to give it to the children even if they say they don't want it. I have read that schools now are trying to stop that waste by allowing the kids to put what they don't want on trays that have been set out. And that kids who want an xtra milk or apple can have them, even take them home for later.


The other message was , you have to give up everything ( be prepared to give up your dreams ) to be a (single) Mom. And the teacher applauded that .

yeah some kids won’t drink it without flavor .
And I just checked my milk . It doesn’t say ADDED sugar . It says 12 grams , but I thought that it was natural since it does not say added. Is there no sugar naturally in milk ?

Ana, yes it gave you that time to explain that its really not good to give up everything for one person. My girls grew up with a working Mom. Sometimes f/t sometimes p/t depending on their ages. My oldest was 16 when she had her son. I quit a job to care for him, a preemie. I wanted her to finish HighSchool and go onto Nursing school. She chose to do only the LPN so she could go to work. At 19 she got a job and later moved out on her own, Grandson was put in Daycare and I went back to work. DD bought herself a car and at 24 the house she still lives in. She later went back to school and received her RN while working 32 hrs a week so she could keep her benefits. She has 26 yrs of experience and is highly paid for that experience. Her son considers her a strong woman. He is now 29 and has a strong work ethic.

That mother did her daughter no favors giving up everything for her. I agree, she will eventually throw that back into the daughters face.

So what do you guys think about our federal department of education trying to eliminate flavored low fat milk from schools - supposedly because of the sugar content. Guess they haven't examined the milk boxes enough to realize virtually all low-fat milk has added sugar in an attempt to make it palatable (also like many almond and coconut milks).

When my nephews were young, they didn't care for plain milk very much. So I added chocolate and strawberry quik to their milk so they would drink it all. They were active and thin kids so I didn't need to worry about an extra 100-150 calories a day. I just wanted the calcium and other nutrients in the milk in their growing bodies. They're in their mid-40s now, drink plain old milk by the glassfulls (especially when offered with dark chocolate cake or fresh cookies) and do not have a weight problem. Similar path taken with the grand-nephews and though they are just in high school they are fit with no weight problems. I use unsweetened almond milk for my cereal and for cooking almost daily pudding offerings for the grands and FSs because it has more calcium (very important for boys will less than normal bone density) and fewer calories. I do have a long standing weight problem (unusual for my family) which I track to developing asthma and taking multiple medications with weight gain as a side effect and some yummy expense account meals. In the last couple of years I've made an effort to reduce and I've lost 50+ pounds, never sacrificing my love affair with "real" milk.

The Obama era federal pushes to reduce fat and calories in school lunches led to the boys wanting packed lunches every day; very thankful the guidelines were loosened. Guess I will be pushing harder to have the county school system provide lunches at no cost and get out from under the federal interference.

Vent over.

That’s how I heard it. “I gave up EVERYTHING for you. I’ll expect you to repay the debt.”

Ana, golden .
That mother that gave up everything at 20 years old will be extracting promises from that girl .

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