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I hear you and all of us have seen a wide variety of behavior on this forum.

We all have our own unique personalities and experiences in life that can cloud how we view the world.

I think that it’s healthy to read posts and form opinions accordingly.

Some information will resonate with us and other postings will grate on our nerves.

Some people will be respectful to others even when disagreeing with them and others will be extremely direct but they aren’t necessarily meaning for their messages to be disrespectful to the OP or other posters.

Some people stay out of all conflicts. They remain neutral and have a diplomatic approach.

Of course, some people are just downright disrespectful. They are usually reported for their rude comments and catch backlash from the forum and the administration of AgingCare.

Newbie, I've been here since 2011, I think.

I think some of the folks who show up and talk about cliques are disrupters who are trying to sow discord.

There are multiple points of view represented here; I will admit that I think as a group, we tend towards the belief that moving an already difficult parent into your home to do hands on care is a bad idea.

I don't think we believe that because we're clique-ish. It's because we've heard/experienced so many bad outcomes with that scenario.

Sometimes folks show up here trying to preach about their understanding of what "honoring" parents is about. I think we trend towards looking out for one's own mental and physical health when caregiving, because no one else is going to do that.

This is a powerful lesson…
A high school class is learning about the Salem Witch Trials. Their teacher told them they were going to play a game.
"I'm going to come around and whisper to each of you whether you're a witch, an "Old-timer", or a regular person. Your goal is to build the largest group possible that does NOT have a witch in it. At the end, any group found to include a witch gets a failing grade."
The teens dove into grilling each other. One fairly large group formed, but most of the students broke into small, exclusive groups, turning away anyone they thought gave off even a hint of guilt.
"Okay," the teacher said. "You've got your groups. Time to find out which ones fail. All witches, please raise your hands."
No one raised a hand.
The kids were confused and told the teacher he'd messed up the game. "Did I?” He asked.
“Was anyone in Salem an actual witch? Or did everyone just believe what they'd been told?"
And that is how you show kids how easy it is to divide a Community.
Shunning, scapegoating, placing blame and dividing will each destroy far more than they will protect.
Don’t allow fear to cloud your decisions. Use your own discernment. Trust your heart…and your gut.
The best teachers will show you where to look, but they won’t tell you what to see.

An "Old Timer" knows: How easy it is to divide a Community.
Shunning, scapegoating, placing blame and dividing will each destroy far more than they will protect.

Total change of topic here. Was going to post a new discussion but decided to post here instead.

Just out of curiosity, who are "old-timers" here? I've seen reference to that term in a number of places, not always in a positive tone I must say. I've been registered on AC since I think 2019 and don't consider myself an old-timer, but not a "newbie", in spite of my screen name. I've seen various people come and go since then, and I certainly recognize familiar names and have gotten a sense of various people's personalities and knowledge through their writing. I've also seen references to and accusations about "cliques" and some kind of "in" group, but I admit to being pretty clueless as to who that's supposed to be, perhaps because some of it dates back to before I joined in 2019. I do know that there is much to be grateful for on this site--insights from "old-timers" and newcomers alike. And I know I've been around long enough to be able to weigh what various people say and just ignore or not respond at times. There are a few who look for dissension and some who, while well-intended, do express themslves in harsher ways than I would even if I agree with the content of what they say.


I drink several brands and yes, Community is one of them! I like Cafe du Monde, French Market and several others.

We have a local coffee house here, PJ’s. A woman named Phyllis Jordan started the company. She has since sold it. They have great coffee! I also love French Truck Coffee.

We are a huge coffee drinking city so there are tons of great local coffee shops.

I do love Peet’s coffee too! I used to go to their coffee shops in San Francisco. Occasionally, I buy it too.

I adore Kona! It’s delicious but expensive. Too bad that I don’t live in Hawaii for part of the year. I would drink it everyday! 😊

Have to say that I am a purist when it comes to my coffee. I don’t like those sugary creamers. Lots of people love them but I actually don’t like sugar in my coffee or tea.

NH, what brand of coffee do you drink? I'm addicted to Community Coffee-coffee and chicory flavor. Tastes great w/International Delight caramel macchiato creamer.


I found the Cafe du Monde at an Asian grocery store. Cool. I was glad to get it.


My daughter found New Orleans coffee in a Vietnamese grocery when she was living in Denver! She was thrilled to see it too. The Vietnamese love our coffee.

There is a Vietnamese community in New Orleans that serves it all the time. They put their own unique twist on it though. They don’t serve it as cafe au lait, instead they use condensed milk instead of milk.

A very long time ago New Orleans had a Chinatown. It was along Tulane Ave. It dwindled and a few of the merchants opened up their businesses in the French Quarter.

It’s sad that our Chinatown didn’t thrive here. We are a melting pot of diversity. I love all of the different cultures and influences. We are a unique community and we certainly aren’t considered to be an ‘anywhere USA’ city. I think it would be cool to have kept Chinatown like NY and California has.

I have always wanted to visit the Greek section of Chicago. I have friends that live in Chicago and they say that they have amazing Greek restaurants there. I love Greek food and culture. Our Greek festival is coming up soon! Lots of fun and great food.


I couldn't believe it when I found Cafe du Monde in a grocery store here.
You know I did a little dance and everything LOL


Ahhhhh, you’re a woman after my own heart! We are most definitely a coffee drinking town!


I can't get by without my coffee and I too started at a young age. I am in fact just now brewing a nice little pot of Cafe du Monde right here in the office.

Sitting on my patio drinking my coffee. Yeah, I’m addicted to it! I started drinking coffee with my grandma as a child. Of course, it was predominantly milk but I felt like a big shot having a cup of coffee with my sweet grandmother.

In the 80’s now and our low temp for tonight is 75. Oh, how I envy those of you who have cooler evenings! Pretty soon, our weather will be so very hot, even in the evenings.

Gershun: Hugs. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother.


I understand that. In a way, we lose them before they actually die. It is best not to dwell on it.

Need, actually it feels like it's been forever for me since she died. Her last couple of years of life it truly wasn't her so for me it's been even longer than 8 years.

I truly don't think about her often cause to do so would cause me too much pain so I shew her out of my mind a lot. I never thought I'd do that but for me it is easier to not think of her than to wallow in the sadness of missing her.


I bet sometimes it feels like you were with your mom only yesterday and other times it feels like she died so long ago. That’s how it feels for me.

With my dad it seems like it was forever ago because he died in 2002. Mom was 2021.

Today is the 8th year anniversary of my beloved mom's death.

Dear Mom, I miss you so.

The women were wearing hats!
In the UK, they crown kings.
In the U.S. they crown horses.

How to put thoughts into action...
In particular, this thought:
Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.

I've come to the conclusion today, that I need to buy a tiger. Keep the tiger in my house. That would certainly get me moving. I think I'd start getting a lot of things done, F-A-S-T. Enjoy it. And reach success quickly. There couldn't be a better plan.

What could possibly go wrong?

Pat Paul,

Multiple people have had problems logging in. If I were one, I’d start a backup account immediately like PeggySue2 and send a support ticket to admin to restore my access to the original.

I would imagine that admin would get right back to me saying I was suspended if there were any confusion about that.

cwillie, Those shower thoughts are sometimes fantasies . 😜

Now if only I could apply that thought...
Story of my life.

r/showerthoughts 🤣

Another totally random thought I'm having today...
Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do.

Guess a parent or whoever could refer to adult kids as offspring lol

Yeah I don't mean when one is referring to one's children. "How are your kids doing?"...That means, how are your children doing...
No problem with me.

I mean, "calling some random young person a kid"

"is about pointing out their inexperience and lack of consideration for yours"
I know it's about that.
And it bothers me a lot. They're not kids. They're adults. Maybe terrible adults, but they're adults. "Kid" in that context, is often used as a free pass..."Oh, they're just kids"...
It's just something that really bothers me: calling a random young person a kid.

Kids doesn't bother me much but then I suppose it would depend on the context, my kids are always going to be my kids even when they're seniors themselves but I suppose calling some random young person a kid is about pointing out their inexperience and lack of consideration for yours.
What does bother me is calling young women girls, something I thought we got rid of back in the 70's. (my sis does this, it's not just men)

Another thing that really bothers me, is war. So I guess there are two things in this world that bother me.

Totally random comment here, but one thing that really bothers me is when people say "kid" about an adult. Like "He's a nice kid", or "He's just a kid", and they're referring to a 25-year old. He's not a kid. Kids are children. You're a child if you're under 18.

"The whole point of a suspension is so those suspended don’t communicate with the board, so I would imagine a backup account or getting friends to post for them or whatever would infuriate the admins who initiated the restriction even more."

No kidding! 

I imagine the same and that admins would also not appreciate people posting to say how a suspended person was so innocent, never did anything wrong and supposedly suffered from other people who did them wrong. How would anyone be able to say that without the suspended person telling people they were wronged. What if it wasn't true? Do we think Admin's would suspend without researching?  I'm just talking in general here and not about any conflict.  I'm new here and don't know or want to know abut conflicts!

Aging Care posted about needing time to research reports, look into things and decide a course of action. So if anyone is suspended I think we have to trust there was a reason for it.

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