
It equals me blocking their number. This brothers happens to live in Alaska so yeah, I get it that he can't visit often but he doesn't call either. Seriously, my stomach knots up when I see his wife's number on my phone.

Do not call me and criticize me and how I take care of mom. Do NOT say taking mom out and her having a FUN time dancing in a pub is not the thing to do. What? She had more fun more energy and didn't want to leave. She is 79 years old and capable of dancing the night away, even if she doesn't remember who we are she can still enjoy life.

This particular's brother's the kind that sends kathousands of pictures of her grown kids. Great, she's proud of them so am I but enough already!! They call mom up every 6 months or so, blather on about how much they miss her, love her and blather on some more about their accomplishments. My poor mother just sits there listening (asking me who the h*ll these people are)?...then mom starts talking about weird things that they haven't a clue about... my SIL had the nerve to say it wasn't fair that her poor grown daughter couldn't talk to her grandmother. Really? I'm more concerned about my mother enjoying life while she can....if people are that d**ned concerned then VISIT her or shut up and leave us alone.

This is how I see it. She doesn't know who they are since she's seen them twice in 6 plus years if that. So, in this case what she doesn't remember she can't miss them and they can't keep pissing me off and being critical.

Blocked phone = Win win.

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i dont really agree jeanette,
i think you win when you stand tall and ignore their little barbs. its not easy to do but they end up respecting you when they find they cant ruffle you. they SHOULD respect you if youve been the more solid figure. elder end of life can rip a family up or be a time of mending. i still dont have much contact with my sisters but theres no animosity any more and its kind of a relief.

Blocking them from annoying me/barbing me is the only way. He's one of those know it all's...great career, manages 100's of people and well...annoying and never helpful. His micro managing is not needed. In my adult life (last 30 years) I've seen him maybe 3 times. Animosity, no. Dislike, yes. That is between him and I, not between our mom. She's entitled to enjoy herself. He can shut up and stay where he's at. That would be a relief.

i see . yup ive seen in my customers over the years that the very "successful"
ones are often spoiled , annoying brats in adult clothes..
i have one persons correspondances blocked too . similar situation. college professor who criticises people without an inkling of why they do what they do ..
too smug and closedminded to even learn anything new..

Exactly!! He never listens to what I have to say about my day to day activities or the things I deal with concerning mom. He's so successful SO smart yet he cannot hear that his mother has no clue who he is he can't hear that I clean her behind and all the other fun things we do. It's my fault she's up 5 times a night because there's people in her room trying to kill her. Wait... he doesn't know she does that because he hangs the phone up on me.

Sorry. I just have a hard time swallowing criticism from a non helpful sibling.

You can't stop the phone calls so just let Mom speak to them.. I wouldn't speak to them myself..

It's not like he's going to show up at the house..

As far as the pictures go I wouldn't even show them to Mom if they confuse her, who's going to know..

Dancing in a pub at 79, how glorious. Yes! And be sure you send pictures to the Puritans in Alaska !! LOL (I am 62 and envious of her)

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