
We need a few laughs on this forum! Hey, I can laugh at myself and laugh with you at your foolishness too!

One time, my mom and I had a hair appointment. We went to the same stylist. So, I made back to back appointments for us.

Traveling with an elderly person who uses a rollator reminds me of when we lugged a stroller around for our kids. Anyway, I opened the car door for my mom to get in, I had to get her purse out of her seat in her rollator, then place her rollator in the backseat or my trunk, all while juggling my purse and keys, and sometimes my phone would be ringing too! LOL

I heard my phone ring. I answered it, I put my phone on the top of my trunk so I could place getting Mom’s rollator in the back seat. Wouldn’t you know that I forgot my phone on the top of my trunk, after I put the rollator in the back seat.

So, I am driving back home on a busy street and the car on the side of me is honking, the car behind me is honking! I am thinking that they are being so rude! My mom says to me, “Honey, why are people honking at you like crazy?” I said, “I have no idea why they are honking because I am doing the speed limit. What is wrong with them?”

So, I stop at a red light. The guy in the car next to me motioned for me to roll down my window. He screams at me that I am driving with my cell on the back of my car! So, I thanked him and pulled over and got it. Can you imagine if I had gotten on the interstate to get home? LOL, I would have kissed my phone goodbye.

Another day, I placed my order of Chinese take out food on top of the car. I drove all the way home without it falling off!! LOL

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I am sure there are some things that I never even noticed. At all.


I know that sometimes my crazy actions were from lack of sleep. Years ago my mom told a cute story of my dad cracking two eggs in a bowl and placing the bowl back in the cabinet. 🤣 She discovered them when she reached for a bowl to scramble up some eggs for breakfast the next morning. My oldest brother didn’t sleep very well when he was a baby.

My youngest daughter didn’t sleep well. We were seriously lacking our sleep. Lack of sleep and having additional stress will make us crazy! I missed a lot of sleep as the primary caregiver for my mom, plus extra stress.

Talking about eggs, last month I wanted to bake a cake. I broke the eggs in the sink instead that in the bowl and I kept the eggshells.


Geeeeeez! LOL Doesn’t it seem like our brain goes on vacation if we are super tired or overly stressed?

So, did you have more eggs to finish baking your cake?

I once went to a store to buy some new pantyhose. I was carrying them around looking at other things. Then I left the store when suddenly realized I still had the unpaid for pantyhose in my hand. I rushed back to the store to pay for them and thought if they saw me they might charge me for shoplifting when I was just bringing them back to pay for them.

Another time I was standing in a lineup to refill a prescription. When I got to the front of the line I reached inside my purse and pulled out what I thought was my old prescription bottle and said "I want to get this filled" I was really holding a tampon. LOL

I could easily write a book with embarrassing stories.


LOL, LOL, ROFL 🤣 !!!

Okay, I did that too, but it wasn’t stockings, it was a tube of lipstick. I was headed back into the store, when I had the very same thought as you about getting arrested for the lipstick that I had been clutching in my hand! So, like you, I didn’t go back inside the store.

Your story of the tampon is priceless!!! So funny! 🤣

I am absolutely sure that lack of sleep can lead to sleep deprivation psychosis in vulnerable people.


So true. Sleep deprivation for a short while doesn’t make a big difference but when it occurs for long periods of time, it really does have a huge impact.

My mom had difficulty sleeping but didn’t wish to take sleeping pills. She wouldn’t try melatonin either, so she caught up on her sleep during the day. She would nap in her recliner.

It adds to the stress when both the caregiver and the person they are caring for are lacking sleep. Most people get cranky if they are sleep deprived. Either cranky. or they are total zombies!

Actually, NHWM I did go back into the store to pay for my pantyhose. That's why it would have been ironic if I'd been nabbed for shoplifting.


My mistake. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn’t go back into the store with my lipstick. I panicked and thought, ‘Oh no! What if I am suspected of shoplifting and get arrested for something that I didn’t take on purpose?

Glad that you weren’t arrested for accidentally taking the stockings the stockings!

I’ve definitely left coffee on the roof of my car a few times!

No problem NHWM!


Coffee on my roof would upset me. I am a caffeine junkie! LOL

I read about a stressed couple packing their car and putting their baby in his car seat on the trunk and driving off. A little while later they realized the baby wasn’t with them and drove back to find their child happily unharmed in his car seat on the side of the road. Here’s to car seats and to all of us to SLOWING DOWN. Too much to do and too many things to bring with us.

I didn't do it but nearly did... This morning I was looking for my mum's medicines in the fridge... I usually give her her medicines (which aren't in the fridge) and then a piece of carrot to our bunny... I wonder if I was going to give the bunny the medicines and a piece of carrot to my mum!

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