
If you could have dinner with anyone you wanted; who would you pick? They can be alive or dead? A friend asked me this question a few days ago and I thought...really who would I pick?! My first choice is my deceased dad, but if not available (LOL) then George Burns. Now that my dad is gone, I have found that I have questions that only he can answer. So I would love to eat a meal together and talk. I pick George Burns because I just adored him. He always provided a weird comfort when I would watch him on TV when I was a kid and I always thought he was funny! So who would you pick?
I just thought this would be fun and interesting. Now play nicely!)

Didn't know what topic to put this under!

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Could I pick God? Does He eat? If so, I will pick God because I have a lot of questions for Him. A LOT!

I'd love to have a meal and chat with Teepa Snow.


I would imagine Jesus would have dinner with you; however, I don't think He would answer all your questions.

See I didn't pick Him because I would be afraid that He would tell me something I wouldn't want to know!

But a very good pick!!😁

Ricky Gervais. So much going on in my life right now that all I want to do is laugh for an hour or two. Ricky Gervais always makes me laugh, and he has an English accent, which is a bonus! As they say, laughter is the best medicine....

My late mother, and my (also late) first husband - but not together!

My Dad, but it would be tough because I wouldn't want it to end or I might want to leave with him. I had serious complicated grief when he passed. :(

David Bowie, an unusual sole.

Shell my maternal grandfather looked exactly like George Burns. Had the same snappy personality too.

People would stop him and ask for his autograph, I think he cost George some fans because he wouldn't sign but never corrected the assumption that he was George.

Isthisrealyreal that is so funny! I think I would have let people think I was George too if I was your grandfather. LOL
But who would you have dinner with Isthisrealyreal?

Dolly, I think David Bowie would be interesting. But he would have to sing to me one of my favorite song😜

Rbuser, I didn't think about how I would feel having to leave my dad again--that would be hard, but worth it! Sorry about you losing your dad:( My dad has been gone for 5 yrs and I still don't think I am done grieving him & I don't think I ever will! I am just so sorry for your pain😢

Margaret, meeting both on the same day might be a little much! LOL But great picks...maybe get some closer or something off your chest?!

Monica, To spend time with someone who can make you laugh would be a great day.

Cwilly, I can just imagine you picky Teepa Snow brain. The things you would learn:) WOW!!!

There are some great answers here.

I would pick my dad for sure but like Rbuser said I would attach myself to him so it couldn't end.

Mark Twain. I'd love to hear what he'd have to say about how the world's gone since he left it.

I would pick Robert Plant....he's the sexiest and most talented man I can think of, still at 71 years old....close behind is Paul McCartney.


I love your answer! I have questions too. Ever think about reincarnation? I do.

Oh, I know that in traditional Christianity we are not supposed to believe in reincarnation but there are times that I really want to live life over again! Hahaha 😂

I would do so many things totally different. So many people say that they wouldn’t change a thing. I would! How about you?

I’d want to be an only child! Hahaha

Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Mae West.

It'd be a hoot.

Picking e v e r y o n e here to be at the banquet table with Jesus and I when that day comes.


Lealonnie wants to dine with God. I thought of Jesus too. Awesome choice! I believe in the Trinity so Jesus is a natural choice.

What about the apostles or other people that lived during biblical times?

If I could choose an apostle it would be John. I think it would be interesting to have a dinner conversation with Noah! Fascinated by the flood, the animals and his obedience to God. I admire him.

What about an angel? Oooooh, a divine creation of God. Would be incredibly interesting too! Or Eve, the first woman?

For me, this isn't political, just a very nice couple... it would be the Obamas.... I am sure I would be smiling and enjoying good laughs throughout dinner :)

I would pick either Marlowe, a dear friend from high school, or Jenean, my first Tae Kwan Do instructor who is also a good friend.

Leonard Cohen and Barack Obama. Together.

If you could pick when this dinner occurred, past, present or future, what would you pick?

I am 64. Maybe I would go back to my 20’s. Hey, maybe even before I married! Hahaha 😂

That could make a big difference in the person I would be with. I am happily married but there is one guy that I walked out on that I never really ever forgot. He is still friends with mutual friends of mine. He still asks them how I am. They occasionally tell me about him and what he’s up to. He’s married now, he has three kids and a grandchild on the way.

A long time ago while dining out my husband and I ran into an old girlfriend of my husband’s. Her husband was with her. We shared a drink together afterwards. I knew this woman too because I was friends with her brother. Small world.

She proceeded to tell me that she wanted to marry my husband! Her husband and I looked at each other like ‘Why did she just say that to me?’ My husband did not know what to say. Her husband looked very upset.

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