
Is there any product similar to miralax that can be used to help get the b.m. to be all the way pushed out. I am not looking for a pill or capsule, more like a powder that can be mixed into water. When I am cleaning my mother the b.m. is there and i clean it out but it does not always come all the way out into the toilet. Sorry for being so descriptive.

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During chemo, I discovered the hard way that constipation of a hellish nature was a completely normal and awful side effect. Like nothing I had ever experienced.

I got to the point where 1/2 can of prune juice, warmed up, with a dose of Miralax was my saving grace. At bedtime. Also, if really backed up, lanolin suppositories would smooth things out. A few times, for the absolute worst times, was also an enema. That's messy if you can't make it to the toilet.

Also, watch a You Tube on gentle abdominal massage to get the bowels moving. The longer they are 'quiet' the worse the constipation.

I realize a lot of elderly do not move much during the day. Even gentle stretching, cycling the legs and feet around--any movement helps.

And of course, as much fiber as can be tolerated. Too much and you'll have the opposite problem.

I agree, Tynagh--I never thought I would spend my mornings talking about bowel movements.
Helpful Answer (4)
Tynagh Aug 2022
Midkid, the issue is with my mom, but still...who'dda thunk it? LOLOL Have a great day!
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Having a similar issue with my mom. The Miralax helps with producing a b/m BUT it also seems to make the consistency rather sticky and instead of "plopping" it "adheres" onto the butt. If anyone has any thoughts, it would be helpful. I cannot believe that I actually typed that into a forum. Thank the gods for this place!!!
Helpful Answer (2)
Cover999 Aug 2022
What does she eat?
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We have a plum tree. This is the time of year we start eating off it. I will say, the nice fresh fruit does the same thing as prunes.
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Your mother should be taking a teaspoon of Metamucil or Citracel dietary fiber in 8 ounces of water every day. This is going to help her crap entirely. It will also help you when cleaning her up because the crap won't be sticky and all over the place.
Make sure she stays well hydrated throughout the day to. Staying hydrated keeps things moving.
She still may have occasional trouble. That's when to use the Miralax or even a glycerin suppository. I had care clients that used the ones that are made for babies and they work.
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I found a combination of Pineapple and Papaya that I pureed helped a bit. The two were listed in a lot of products that were available as "cleanses" when I was looking for a solution to what you are describing. I would get 1 of each and puree them and freeze in 1/2 cup portions, by the time he was done with his meal the one I took out of the freezer would be thawed.

Prunes, prune juice might also help. These were a pretty frequent addition to breakfast for my Husband.

There is a tea called Smooth Move it is an herbal tea it is a Senna based tea.

Position can also make a difference. A little foot stool like the Squatty Potty helps it places the body in a better position.
When I was using a Hoyer Lift with my Husband the sling held him in an ideal position so I had to be pretty careful when moving him just in case....

Increasing fiber may also help.
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Miralax did a number on my mother.

As we age, the bladder can drop down and sit on the bowel. This can cause problems in releasing everything. My Mom was told to push on the area where the episiotomy was done while pushing. I have had to do this and and it works.

My Dr recommend Seneca. Is a plant based laxative. 2 pills a day. But I found I went all day so stopped them.
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I'm thinking you probably need more fiber and much more fluids in the diet. Maybe try metamucil of benefiber, but when you add either of those you MUST ensure they are adding fluids too.

And yes to prunes and prune juice.
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Cover999 Aug 2022
and grapes.
How much "pushing power" does she have?
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daughterand3 Aug 2022
Her pushing power comes and goes.
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This isn't really a family caregiver's job - if you have anything like a visiting nurse service, you can request advice about a microenema and/or regular laxatives or stool softeners to help. But the problem is not so much the stool itself as the age-related decline of the muscles and sphincters involved, and dietary changes are your best bet there. Is her bowel habit reasonably regular? If I were you I'd get general advice and aim to establish a good routine.

PS Also, forgot to say, reminded by Cover999's question - make sure her sitting position is good and steady, with both feet on the floor. If her feet don't reach (perhaps because she has a raised toilet seat to make it easier to get on and off, for example) then provide her with a platform while she's seated. Those toddlers' steps you can get to help them reach the handbasin are good for this purpose.
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Cover999 Aug 2022
Interesting many people exercise and focus on the more popular muscles but not the anal and rectal muscles.
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