
I'm worried about my mother. I filed an APS case against my sister and APS took my sister's side even though there are clear signs that of abuse. My mother self reported that my sister told her "I want you dead." When my mother was hospitalized with Covid my sister (who is health care power of attorney) refused to tell the hospital who my mother's PCP was. I've gone up the chain of command with the state and I can't get anyone to review the case.
I was wondering if hiring a social worker to look over the case was a possibility, and if so where could I find someone like that? I've also had issues hiring an attorney for my mother, which I don't know if that's even possible, since I can't contact my mother due to my sister interference. I'm stuck and any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Only a detail but I'm curious to know - how do you know that your sister refused to give the hospital your mother's PCP's details?

I don't know if you can hire an attorney for your mother in her absence, either, but any attorney will be able to tell you. What are the issues you've had?
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Your profile tells us nothing beyond the fact that your mom is 84.

What are her impairments? Does she have dementia?

If she is competent, she can change her POA at any time.

Is mom a "pot stirrer"? Does she like to create drama between you and sister?

How do you know what sister told or didn't tell the hospital about mom's PCP?

Why couldn't mom tell the hospital that information?

It sounds as though mom is telling you dementia-fueled tales and you are not "getting" that mom's brain is broken.
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Can you be specific and tell us what the "clear signs of abuse" actually are? It's hard to know what guidance to give you without this info. The people at APS are social workers. I'm not sure what hiring one privately will do...a second opinion? Not sure it works that way but maybe others on the forum have experience with this.

If your mother has a diagnosis of cognitive impairment in her medical records, and didn't have any physical signs of abuse or neglect, then this would be why APS didn't pursue anything.

If your mother doesn't have any cognitive issues, then she is her own person and must be willing and able to dig herself out of her situation. You cannot hire an attorney on her behalf if she doesn't want one or intend to pay for it.

Finally, you will need to seriously consider if your sister is blocking you because you are misinterpreting what is going on and causing distress and hardship for her ability to care give (and upsetting your mother). If your mother has dementia it is completely possible that she is telling you imaginary things, as people with dementia often do.

Hypothetically, if APS did see a problem and your mother was removed from your sister's care...what would be the plan to care for your mom going forward? Are you willing to be her 24/7 caregiver? Do you still work? Does she have the funds to pay you or for her care? Are you willing to let the county get guardianship and not you? What do you wish the outcome of this struggle to be?
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