
He is very anxious and says they have wired something up to make the noises. He has hearing loss, but describes these noises as resonating around the building. I don't know what to think. I have spoken to owner who also has two children, 18 and 20 living there, and she is adamant there is no noise. I don't know which way to turn. Can anyone offer advice?

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There are no external noises. There may be noises in his ears. These may be auditory hallucinations. Reassure Dad that you believe him about the noises, but that they don't appear to be coming from next door. A visit to the doctor would be good at this point.
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Star, have your Dad play music until the mystery is solved. At least his favorite music would take his mind off of the noise.

Most of my adult life I have had ringing in the ears. For me it's more like a mid range radio frequency. Once in awhile it will become a dull high squeal noise that last only a few seconds. I've become so use to it I don't pay much attention to it. And yes, a very quiet house will make said sound more noticeable if this is something new to a person. Like right now I can notice it because I am focused on it due to the question.
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With an 18 and 20 yr old next door could it be music with a bass booster? I'm sure everyone has had the unfortunate luck to be next to a car at a red light with one of these. It can be so deep and booming that it literally makes your car windows vibrate.

I agree that it would be a good idea to have someone spend a few random evenings at your dads house to check it out.
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Has your dad been evaluated by a neurologist? It might be time to get that done. If he is greatly distressed by the noise consider that you could set up a recorder and see what you pick up. Spend the night with him. Maybe set up a camera. Use this event to get things in order for the future. He will see that you are doing your best to help him. If you don't have a DPOA now is the time to get one.
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He may be having ear noise. These sounds can vary person to person. Sometimes it's ringing, sometimes crickets, sometimes music. It can sound very real, since it's tied into the nerves of the ears. Ear noises are usually loudest when there is no sounds around. For example, most of us have ear noises if we listen to them when we go to bed. It may be that when he has guests, then they are making noise. But when they leave, then he hears the ear noise again.

If it is ear noise and it is distressing, there are some medications that might help. I don't know what these are, but his doctor should know. Assure your father that it's not just him, that other people have problems with "imaginary" noises. Personally I have chirping crickets that drive me crazy on some nights.
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Assume the noises are real, until proven otherwise, please.

You hear that? Well I do. Sorry your hearing is not as acute, or that the noise stops when visitors arrive. Send everyone away, test this out....have a secret person stay in the home while everyone goes out. What is so awful if your Dad is believed? imo.

Jeannegibbs gives a good answer.

However, it does show an anxious state if he is greatly disturbed by the noises. Try earplugs for awhile? See the doctor.

Two children, 18 & 20, ha ha ha, here comes Mom, or Oh, the neighbor has company, quick, turn off that very strange electronic music!
It just could be anything.  Is Dad taking any meds that cause this?
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Thank you all for your responses. We are planning to have one of us, husband or myself stay overnight 'undercover'. Dad is under extra stress at the moment as he is awaiting surgery which was recently postponed due to an infection. He is not on any unusual Meds, but has been more housebound. I do feel really bad about all this, but I am struggling to cope, last week was all about the hospital and I have 2 children myself of 9 and 7. This week is Easter hols and the kids are complaining about not doing anything fun. I did think about ear problems before, but when I mentioned it he said I was talking nonsense! Dad has a dog, he says she physically shudders at the noise! When he is like this he frightens me. Will try to implement some of the advice.
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Can hardly wait, thanks for letting us know.
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Hello everyone, it's been a Tiring week! After more investigations and an increasingly paranoid dad the result is that the heating is playing up , and the loud bangs are pipes. He still was insisting the neighbours did it , but slowly he seems to be accepting that it could be his own heating!
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I am on 'vigil' , nothing of note to report yet. Need to be sure whether the noises are real or imagined. Never imagined I'd ever need to do something like this.
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