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She definitely needs to see another doctor. I'm wondering about vascular dementia, since she's had strokes. Also, she may be depressed. It sounds like several things going on, including her diabetes (her not eating right is making that worse as you said), probably depression and possibly some type of dementia. She should see a doctor who can diagnose depression and/or dementia, and get another physical (have all her meds checked for side effects and interactions), then have her checked for depression and dementia. This is a complicated situation, but likely can be made better with medical help. If you can get her to a geriatrician, that would be great.
Take care,
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She had a stroke in 1990, it was a major stroke however, she was blessed to recover well except she walks with a walker. Her health as far as the doctor's physical exam is good, she is a diabetic, her surgar seems to drop low a lot and I think it's because she has changed her eating, she eats very little and says food taste different however it taste the same to me and my dad? We always get complaints from her, nothing is right or enough! She has hypertension but she keeps it under control. She is very health conscious. She gets mixed up sometimes or confused and when I repeat what she said she'll tell me she didn't say that. She gets angry like she's mad sometimes. Often, she tells people she gets tired of asking us to give her things. She just stopped cooking about 6 months ago and she has to tell you what to do or what is best when you're trying to cook. She wanted to stop cooking but she's still holding on by insisting on telling you what to do, I do understand some of this because she has always cooked for her family. When she is around other people it seems to snap her out of her depression or whatever it is? This morning she wouldn't say anything to us, she called a friend and it was as if she was another person? Most of the time during the week she sits in the chair with her head down and she sleeps off and on. She won't get dress most of the days. My father and I see her slowing down a lot but we can't put our fingers on what the problem is except she complains about her lower back hurting when she stands for a short time and the fact that she's a diabetic, she gets tired very easy. I've asked her to ask her doctor about her back but she has not asked him. She has started wetting on herself and says she didn't have enough time to get to the rest room, one night she had a partial BM in the bed, she doesn't want anyone to know that her bladder is weak etc. It's a lot going on but we can't figure it out. She just had a physical about 4 months ago. I talked to a friend and she suggested that my father give my mother some mother has a lot of pride and we have to be careful how we suggest this to her. She started walking for about two weeks and then she said it made her to tired and stopped. She started walking because she saw that her legs were getting dark and realized that it was poor circulation. We are trying to get her to walk again. Thanks for your help, I need help in trying to help my mother. My father is 81 years old and has had bladder cancer and I don't want him to be too stressed. This writing is a little jumbo and I hope you can make some sense out of this? Thanks much.
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So much depends on what her health is. Is she in a late stage of an illness or was she healthy and is she just now doing this?

We'd love to hear more about what is happening is you want to share it.

Take care,
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