
No matter what I do, my DH's feet slide when I try to get him up. I finally put 2 'mats' front to front and it helps but is not perfect (so the non-stick is on the floor and his feet). Has anyone found a mat that is non-slip on both sides that is reasonably priced please? Thank you and please to put a link if possible? I can copy & paste.

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Toward the last few weeks that mom lived at home with me we were having the same problem, I think you are right that it is more about the diminishing muscle strength and control than a slippery surface. If he is still able to do PT I think you should try to see if that helps, being unable to stand and transfer was one of the deciding factors that made me place mom in an NH.
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Thank you both (geewiz & BarbBrooklyn) for trying - I see you here all the time Barb - I used to live in Flatbush! First in Glenwood then in Midwood.

No, tried the slipper socks (he now wears compression hose) but even bare feet, he slides on carpet, tile, little mats - I don't know what his problem is, but I think it is lack of muscle control. We did do the PT - the 2 rugs *front to front* works but they slide against each other, lol. I'll keep trying. There's got to be something out there.

I'm going to ask at the CarQuest store - who knows, maybe a truck mat will do the trick, lol.
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How about some strategically placed Velcro on whatever may you have there now?
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I'd consider maybe a yoga mat or those children's rubber mats that fit together. You could also try the rubber non slip mats that you buy to go under an area rug. Anchor it under a chair or bed leg so it doesn't bunch up while you are trying to get your husbands feet planted.
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I just found a non-slip truckbed mat at Lowe's for $10 with free S&H because of Father's Day! WooHoo!!  I would have preferred it to be 20" but 16" is still pretty decent!  and 5' long!  Enough for 2 mats!!
Better Built Truck Box Mat @ Lowe's for $9.98

Thank you cwillie - I am making him walk until he is limber again after every "tinkle break" and bathroom break. I was told that keeping him mobile is my #1 priority. And I guess #2 would be eating?

LOL, this gives new meaning to doing # 1 and # 2, hahahah.

If it doesn't work, I'm only going to be out $10.70 which works for me! (tax)

Yoga mats (the ones I have) are not non-slide on the tops (ditto on child-floor-blocks) and that's where his feet slide. I did use a piece of shelf-liner in-between the 2 floor mats (turned face to face) and it helps but I worry about how safe. So I'll try the truck-bed mat. Can't really go wrong for the price.

Thank you everyone!
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#1. Drink water, keep hydrated
#2 Keep moving

Where do medications go on the list of priorities?
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Do u have a bar on the bed he can help pull himself up with? Heres one like I got mom.

As u can see, it doesn't hinder them from getting out of bed like a bed rail. Mom had a back injury and therapy recommended it to help her pull herself up from laying down to sitting up. But also helped to give her support when standing and getting her balance once she stood.
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Would it help to have him wear slipper/socks with non slip things on them like they have in hospitals? I'm not sure what type of mat you are thinking of but a computer search for that term came up with a number of options.
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Can you ask his doctor to script some home PT sessions?

This sounds like one of those things that at good ot or pt can solve in a few seconds, and might take us amateurs months and lots of moolah to figure out
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I wanted to come back and tell you - the Truck Bed Mat works great! I cut it in half and have 2 mats. Just reordered for 2 more of these as DH is no longer sliding when trying to get up from couch and/or chair!

To Sendhelp: I don't really understand your answer. My 1 & 2 were mostly a play on words. We all know what #1 & #2 are, potty-wise.

My #1 Priority is Ray. He's 95 and cannot wait. His list of priorities are, as you say, eating, drinking, moving - and I give him his medications daily; morning & evening pills are taken with ice cream due to the dysphagia (the hospital showed me this).

Along with the #1 Priority is keeping Ray out of the hospital as they almost killed him the last 2 times he was there. Sending him home to die gets old in a hurry.

Another part of the #1 Priority is keeping him out of a Nursing Home. I am doing for him what I would hope someone would do for me if the need arises.

I believe whole-heartedly in the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

P.S.  It isn't the mats slipping - it's Ray when he tries to get up with his feet on the mat.  His feet are doing the sliding - the mats stay where they are.  Thankfully the Truck Bed Mat has stopped his feet from sliding!  Awesome!!
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