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This is an elderforum which has individual members caring for family members, giving and getting advice. The ads you see on the right are sponsors and advertisers of the site. There are undoubtedly agencies in your area to check with. I found that they often had minimums of say four hours three times a week, but some did give me referrals to individuals they knew and trusted. Good luck. Use the internet in your area to hire in your area.
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Dianna, have you considered Meals on Wheels?   You can get at least one daily meal plus weekends and holidays.  

Another alternative if you can afford is to order meals from Schwann's.   Years ago their selections were good; I don't know if that's still the situation.   They are a bit on the high side though.  I don't know if their cost would be equivalent to hiring some to help and cook for you, but it may be that it is in fact a cheaper option.

Another alternative is to ask the local Alzheimer's Assn. for a list of home care agencies in your area, or ask your local city's Senior Center, or the County elder law department.

You would have to screen any agencies, so make lists of questions you want to ask and be prepared.

Another option since you're in Idaho are Mormons.  I believe there are a large number of them, and most I've met are good cooks.  You might be able to make an arrangement with one of the women from a local ward (chapter).  

Can you sit to prepare meals?  Are you able to stand to cook?
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Dianna, I suggest joining if you aren't already on that forum. It's for neighborhoods. I recommend you put out an appeal for help and it will be seen by people in proximity to you. There was just a person on my area's LOOKING for people in need to prepare food for (Thanksgiving in particular) but many people are at home and need some other things to do and may be more available to be of assistance. You can request how often you need help. Even if it's once a week it will be free to you by a caring neighbor. The more neighbors who know you need help, the better -- even if you're in a rural area. Also contact your local area's Agency on Aging for resources, your nearest senior community center, and social services for your county to see if you qualify for any in-home services (online at the Dept of Health and Human Services). I wish you success in finding the help you need!
Helpful Answer (3)
JoAnn29 Nov 2020
I like that
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