
My mother has been using my money to pay house without letting me know for 29 years.

We are both on the title. She says I have no income, but my name is still on the title. Do I pay or lose all I have been working for?

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You need to give more background information about your situation so that we can offer appropriate suggestions or comments.
If I understand your profile correctly, you are living with your mother for ?? years because you have cancer or because your Mother has cancer. Also you stated you have no income so I assume that you are not working and have not been working for ___________ years? How is your Mother "using your money to pay for the house"? Is she using your retirement fund or Saving account money? Your Social Security check, disability check?
Please tell us more about your situation. Thank you.
Helpful Answer (4)

How is it that your mother has had access to your income?

Is she your guardian or conservator?
Helpful Answer (4)

Real, yes, really, really what you suspect. My first thought when I read the initial "post."

Ask a conflicting question, don't respond to provide any information, yet change the direction and wander around. No obvious interest in getting answers, just attention.

And based on the lack of sophistication, and the ending language of the third paragraph, I think this one might be a kid. It's so contrived it's almost laughable.
Helpful Answer (3)

Dum, I agree with DeeAnna above, your post needs more information. Too many unanswered questions for us here to help you with this situation.
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Apparently I've been deleted!
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Pepsee, if this poster is harassing you through PM, you can report them.
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Pepsee, if this poster is harassing you through PM, you can report them. I wrote, "Troll, anyone?" Obviously this poster is not here for any purpose other then looking for a victim to scam. Bet this gets deleted as well.
Helpful Answer (2)

oh.. im Joe. youngest of 5 ,,, we come from the islands and live by that way.... if that makes sense. Well i dependent on my mom mainly cuz she made me .... well i am not too good with reading. im using my phone to due most of my txting here.
So im am youngest of 5 only born here rest back in islands. i was a mistake. my brothers and one sister are 8months aprt or really close then me 12yrs later. i grewup with my mom they had maids or nanny that was there mom. so we not close.
well my mom had cancer in 89 breast removed. i was 13. stop working then... i was good at alot of things just not legal things i guess. no i made paper... I have real job and side do my thang..,.. so i make money .... just stupid. my mom says Of course u pay ... family members exgirlfriend... all thrgh the yrs telling me u mama f**king u up
.. So she had 3 cancer brest lung kindney. but still going ..... i have twins (boys 10yrs)
of my own. who tell me gradma doing you wrong.. HOPE U CAN plse understand this. cuz i need help... her name and mine are on house. knowing now... why she on morgate. she holds it over my head .Pays nothing says buys foood. and gas bill...
I recently took her phone tablet and I truly pay for everything. .. i have a cross tatto to my chest cuz when i went to jail long time ago. the cut off my chain. so i thght i was gonna die. I refused to put my kids in any religion. my mom trys. tired typing is there like a bar we can meet at or tea or something here
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What, your comment was deleted? I wonder why??
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