
They had adult abuse charges but they closed the case they found nothing on me. Now they're saying that I'm not fit to take care of my mother she's not to come here or be checked out by me, but my 15 years of credentials should show I'm the best caretaker in the world.

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Is she now in a facility being taken care of? If so, shouldn't you feel some relief about that? It can be darned hard to be a caregiver.
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BRUNOBigChAnCe Nov 2019
No she's not he still has the same nursing home they will not release her I went in there to see her Sunday now she's eye is swollen shut and it's blood red he got bed sores on her butt I noticed that they just put a recirculating matches in there 2 weeks ago and she screaming she wants to come home and she's unstable mind and body but they tell me she's now may be experiencing dementia I just want someone to listen to me and help me get my mother to come back home
Who is telling you this, Adult Protection Services or the Administrator of the facility? An Administrator, in my opinion, would not be able to make that determination unless u have caused problems at the facility. I would ask what authority has given him this right. Mom is a resident and has rights. She is not in a prison. Now APS, has the authority and can tell the Administrator ur not allowed to take her out.

If this is the decision of the Adminstrator and cannot give u a reason, cal, ur State Ombudsman to investigate.
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BRUNOBigChAnCe Nov 2019
Yes man I have I never seen another administrator come to your house a week and a half after being admitted and demand paperwork bank statements and everything else and then get terribly mad when I couldn't produce them at the end of the day or him now they taking all of the entryway and have her under institutional insurance because $8,070 a month or stay he was just supposed to be there for rehabilitation which you're not even doing really I don't think and you scream if you wants to come home she's upstate my stable mind anybody if he wants to come home and they won't let her I've been a caretaker for 15 years the Doctor who did surgery but no stipulations on she had to go to a nursing home but adult protection services was there when she was released nobody called me to have her admitted to this nursing home the administrator told me that adult protective services told him to put her under long-term care first of all she lied said he didn't say that then she admitted she had an open case on me but she closed the case she said before he had the paperwork finalized but you lied about that too she had a case open until two weeks ago long enough for me can I be able to get my hands on my mom bring her hom
Your mother has a broken hip? When did that happen, and what has been done about it - did she have surgery and now needs rehab, or is it still broken?

I'm finding it difficult to understand what the abuse allegations were about, and whether they actually were allegations or if the people who are responsible for safeguarding your mother's best interests are just trying to gather the information they need about her.

There are several things to be considered and understood:

Your mother's immediate care needs, and where they can best be met;
Your mother's finances - who's paying for her care if she can't;
The plan for your mother's care once she is over her hip fracture, and depending on her overall state of health when it can be assessed.

Could you go back a bit, and describe what happened when your mother was first taken into care?
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BRUNOBigChAnCe Nov 2019
Yes I can I've been taking care of my mother for 15 years till that this happened she was just fine okay she fell getting up getting the dog some water in the middle of the night and tripped over the dog evidently when I found her her hip and store up took in the emergency room they sent it to Knoxville spent three days down there back and forth told the doctors that they was going to do surgery only give her 40% chance of making it through it because of her weight she's never weighed over 60 lb okay I asked Mom how she felt God was guiding the surgeon he went in and out half later he came out I said everything went great if I'll be right back in place and they put a pin in it everything look good no stipulations told her she could go how much you wanted but there's no protection services was down there when she got released and nobody told me nothing she suggested this nursing home just come get her tell me that you didn't take out no charges have a case open on me she lied she told them to put her in long-term care she's not to leave with me or or to go to stay under my roof cuz you don't feel too safe but yet I've been charged with nothing or anything in 15 years okay Lee physician said I'm doing a great job for the last five years she's been telling me okay so adult protective services she's riding my back to for no reason she said she closed the case on me long before he had the paperwork done she lied again again she just closed it two weeks ago long enough for them to get Mama's hands now she's in on institutional insurance and my little brother like I say the lawyer I hired for power of attorney she took my money without my consulting or Mama's consulting gave power of attorney to my little brother which he's misusing it he's not consulted with mother one time about any of this nice catching enter 24 year life policy for cash to him got me shut down doing anything I need some help purple dog they were inseparable now the poor dog is laying here grieving won't he won't drink what am I supposed to tell her about that she begs me to come home cuz it's just fine her hip was fine two weeks after she got into the end of the place they're not Darlington mama said they're not even rehabilitating you $8,700 a month for Long-Term Care rehabilitation a thousand a month big difference how many other families is he doing this to showed up at my house 9 in the morning demanding documents and paperwork said all he needed now with Mama's birth certificate and you have everything he needed in place what does that mean
Yes, ur reply to me is very confusing.

No, I have never had an Administrator come to my home. I can see if LTC is in Moms future the Administrator asking about finances. He needs to know if Mom can private pay or will need Medicaid.

I suggest you call Adult Protection Services and tell them you are having a problem with this Administrator. You need to know what the APS person said to him. Medicare will pay 100% for 20 days. 21 to 100 days 50%. Mom may be responsible for about $160 a day.

If ur not satisfied with this NH you can have Mom transferred. She is not in jail. She is a resident not a patient. She has rights.
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BRUNOBigChAnCe Nov 2019
No II can't really do that because they're involved to the lady from adult protective services has been after me for nine years and never found anything on just because my family being haters she's the one that got all this started her and the lawyer that turn power of attorney over to my brother with my hundred dollars without consulting me remind me either adult protection services lie to me in the beginning then admitted she did take out an open case then she said she said it before he had his paperwork done she lied again because she kept it open till this two weeks ago long enough for him to get everything you know her and I couldn't get my hands on my mother if you want to hurt me that's fine but don't take it out of my mom please
Bruno, did the state take guardianship of your mother? If so, I guess the only option for you is to hire a lawyer to fight for you. I don't know what else you could do.
Helpful Answer (1)
BRUNOBigChAnCe Nov 2019
You see that's the thing I don't know they had a special TV in her room when I got there at the foot of her bed with a Skype camera on it didn't see one nowhere else in there for a month of all this took place and then it was gone and I had a bad feeling that's someone coalhurst her into sign some papers or doing something cuz she's blind and can't hear but I can't get nobody to listen to mean like I say now my little brother's going to cash in my mom is 24 year life policy for her death angel cash it in and nobody doing nothing cuz he has power of attorney he's misusing it he's a consult with her about any of this changes and he's getting away with it I don't know where else to turn
First, a Lawyer cannot give ur brother POA. Your Mom had to have assigned him.

I think you need to see a Lawyer. There is Legal Aid that may help you find one u can afford.

I suggest you write, in order, everything down that started this whole thing. #1, #2, #3...ect.

I am getting the impression English is not ur first language. Have someone go over what u have written to make it better to understand. Get paperwork that u have been investigated and the charges were unfounded. Get together as much as u can. You need someone on ur side to find out the answers.

I just read about ur brother cashing in a policy. Is Mom receiving Medicaid? If so, ur brother has to cash in her policy for her care. I think one problem is you may not understand how the system works. Brother has POA and now complete control. The Administrator isn't calling the shots, ur brother is. He can request that no one take Mom out of the building. I suggest you talk to your brother saying that ur confused and can he please explain what is going on. If he doesn't do this, then go the way of a Lawyer.
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