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Welcome, Dataquan. What assets did you liquidate?

Were you aware that a home and vehicle were non-countable assets?

Are you under the income and assets cap for Medicaid in your state?

Are you applying for Community Medicaid or Institutional Medicaid?

A certified eldercare attorney will know the ropes and prevent you from making mistakes.
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An elder law attorney or Medicaid Planner can help make filling out the app faster and accurately for your state, but once the app is submitted, it will be 90 days before you hear back from them. If you receive anything in the snail from them after submission, open it immediately and provide any extra info or clarification right away since the app will "expire" if don't submit what they want by the letter's deadline.
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Just what type of Medicaid are you thinking you’re going to apply for?
Medicaid is a huge program….. from those happy teeth vans for childrens dental care to breast pump usage for new moms to room & board coverage for LTC in a NH…. and each Medicaid program has its own criteria to be sufficiently “at need” to be eligible. This is what Barb is getting at in her post, and it is super important to understand.

So what program are you applying to?
why is needed to be approved ASAP? The 90 days Geaton mentioned is the average approval time for LTC Medicaid. It can go longer. For my mom for her LTC Medicaid application, it was 5.5 months but she was fortunately a Medicare Pending resident at the NH & she did a copay of all her mo income less $60 every month during the Pending period.

As far as I’m aware none of the Medicaid programs require a person to liquidate thier assets. Now Medicaid may require you to use your assets, like your savings or investments, to private pay for care first and foremost before you will ever be eligible for Medicaid.

Can you provide a bit more info on the situation so folks can provide input more geared to your situation?
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Yes, what type of Medicaid. Health insurance you are allowed assets. In home care and Long term care there is a cap on assets and income.

I went to my Social Service Office. The caseworker helped me fill out Moms application. In my state you have 90 days to spend down your money, get them information and find placement. For my Mom I started the application in April. I placed her in LTC May 1st with her paying privately for May and June. I confirmed with the caseworker in June that Moms money was spent down and all info needed submitted. Her medicaid started July 1st. I did have a lawyer for her house because I had a disabled nephew living there it was questioned whether he could remain and concerning the house and Market Value being able to be gotten if sold. His retainer was 5k.

There have been people post concerning lawyers handling Medicaid applications. One lawyer was going thru 5 yrs of statements, that are required, writing down any large withdrawals thinking this was enough for Medicaid. Medicaid wants to see the statements. They check for consistencies and inconsistencies.
Another person's LO was Medicaid pending with a lawyer handling the application. After 6 months the person had not heard a thing concerning Medicaid. I told the person in my State you only have 90 days to complete Medicaid requirements.

So if you hire a lawyer, make sure they are well versed in Medicaid. You also need to keep on top of things.

I do hope you checked with Medicaid before doing a spend down. Some retirement accts are exempt as an asset as is a house an one car.
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