
My dad had a stroke and was also diagnosed with Dementia , effecting his memory and bodily functions . He has a female friend who visits at times but has been showing inappropriate behavior , such as kissing him on the lips , rubbing his leg near the groin and sitting on his lap . She likes to just stop by unannounced but if she does call first usually late by hours , she stays to long , last visit 4hr dad was tired and became agitated. I have asked her not to do this to please keep her visits short and just l act like a friend but she continues. So i feel this does him harm by leading him on and makes him emotionally difficult to handle , any suggestions how to approach her again ? Or am i being over protective?

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Good going!! If you find out she above board you can alway allow some short trips..
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I like the idea of telling her it is the facility policy and i have already given verbal notice he cannot leave with her .
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If the home called you with questions about this,, my radar would be up too. They must have noticed something that makes them "wonder".. go with your gut.. and protect his assets. We hear all the time about things like this, and it never seems to end well...
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Are you his Durable Power of Attorney? Are you handling all his financial and medical business? If so, I think I would be very suspicious of this lady's intentions and actions.

In some places, it's criminal to take advantage of a person with intellectual disabilities. Maybe, she doesn't get it. Could the facility advise her of their policies on conduct? I'd make sure she is not able to leave with your dad. I'd put that in writing to the facility.

Has the facility indicated what their position would be if you ask that she not be allowed to see your dad? I would be concerned that she would try to get him to sign something that he doesn't understand. Does he have assets that she is aware of? Maybe, I'm paranoid, but I would stay on top of this and try to nip it in the bud. If she is truly a good person who wants to provide company and fun, that's fine, but it sounds like she's not aware of his condition OR she is and is not respecting it.
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He was living with me until about 2 weeks ago now living in an assisted living but showing the same behavior , the owner has brought it to my attention ... They were friends only to my knowledge maybe a little more a long time ago
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Michael, where is your father living? Your profile doesn't say. Is he at home with you, in AL, IL?
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Can you explain a little bit more about their previous relationship? In what context was she his friend?
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