
My Mother is 86 years now and suffers from Al/s. Mom spends 22 hours out of 24 in bed every day, stating its easier on Her bottom. I try to keep Mom's bed tidy also Her bedroom, but lately I'm noticing that Mother is pulling out all of the bed clothes. Where I would tucked them in. It seems every time I enter the bedroom Mom's bed resembles a war zone ??? It's as if She's wrestling the clothes. ID LIKE TO KNOW IF THIS IS USUAL BEHAVOUR FOR AN ALZHEIMER'S SUFFERER ?

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I don't know if your mom is yanking at her linens because of the Alzheimer's but it may be because of anxiety.
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She may be thinking that she is folding clothes and helping by laying them on the floor. Or she may have no idea why or that she messed with the clothes. It's really difficult to say. My loved one does odd things with things.

She loves pictures that I hang on her closet door or wall, but sometimes, I will find them crumpled up in her nightstand drawer. She has no idea why they are there. It's safe to say that she or her roommate are responsible. She would not do this if she were thinking clearly. Before she went into Memory Care she would stack up things on the counter that made no sense, disconnected the cable box and placed it in the kitchen cabinet......there is no rhyme or reason to this behavior.

If she appears to be anxious, I might discuss it with her doctor. I don't think there is any way to know what is causing it.
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llamalover47...guess we agree on something...not sure why you felt you had to post that????
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Thank You All fellow Caregiver's for Your input and support which is a very solid crutch for Me. I feel that I can turn to You Guy's for advice and sometimes a shoulder to cry on. I love All of You very much.
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Lifeexperiences: 2 reasons- #1 b/c it could help if the original posters heard the same word from two people and #2 that's who I am. You should not be concerned about my post.
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Johnjoe: You're very welcome. We are a loving, caregiving support group who are here for you. ♥♡
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My dad was cutting up paper towels too. He also stuffed his pockets with paper towels and would blow his noise constantly in the towels then toss them out. He'd go through a full roll of PT in a day! I stopped making them available to him so he started on facial tissues. A whole box would be gone in a day. I'd find tissues stuffed on the sides of his chair cushions and a pile in the trash. At first I thought well, it keeps him busy folding them, cutting and storing them. But then the cost factor came to light. Now that he's in a memory care home, they don't allow scissors or boxes of tissue or paper towels in their room. He gets a paper napkin at all his meals and stuffs those in this pockets after eating. When we visit, I always offer him a new large paper napkin which he gladly accepts. He then tosses out the old shredded ones that he has in his pocket. Who knows how long it has been in his pocket or hiding place. I wasn't sure if this was normal behavior for Alz patients. I thought my dad was alone on this one.
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Thank You Liamlover47 it is great to be part of this wonderful Family of Caregive's Who are so giving of Themselve's in pursuit of helping Fellow Caregiver's. This time for Us is probably the most trying and difficult time of Our Lives.
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Johnjoe: I appreciate so much your kind comments! We are here for each other.
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My dearest cuts paper towels folds them put them in her pockets in her shoes, Today she refuse to take her meds an when she did she chew them instead of swallowing them, refusing to let me give her insulin shot. I think now she is ready to be in a safer place then what help I could give her. I seen her go down for the past 7 years but this past four months its been pure hell for me I am 76 and taking cancer treatments for over a year now. What do you think?
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