
My elderly father was in the care of my older brother during this time my elderly father was severely neglected, abandoned, abused along with financial abuse! My elderly father is now deceased before he died he and I started a legal battle against my brother trying to get my father’s assets back and bring my brother to justice. My brother abused and threaten my father causing my father so much fear that my father had PTSD and severe night terrors. We were able to get a temporary restraining order to protect my father through the Ventura county district attorney and they suggested my father make me his POA and go after my brother in court to demand him to hand over all my father’s assets my brother refused and reported me to APS and claimed that my father had dementia and that I was coercing my father .a few days Pryor to our court date unfortunately my father passed away .after that everything stopped then Covid started closing everything especially the court houses . While Covid was going on my brother found a lawyer and forged a will in Canada leaving himself everything. Since then I have struggled as to what to do? Time has passed making it more difficult to find help plus I’m disabled and have limited means and can’t afford a lawyer. What can I do to bring justice to this situation? Please any info will help. Thank you 🙏

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Thanks for your response. Since other siblings were all for what brother was doing to Dad, I really don't see what you can do. They must have thought everything was on the up and up or they received something in the end.

Since you don't have the money to prove Dad was wronged, I think u need to just let it go. No lawyer is going to take on this case. Your Dad is gone. His money is gone. You need to be at peace with that.
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If there is a TON OF MONEY involved here, you have a chance. If not, you don't. Let's start with the past. There is no recompense for that. It is down to a he said/she said. The person injured (IF he was injured) by the brother is now dead, so there is no one to bring suit on that issue, if you see what I mean.

Now we are down to a purported forged will. Here, if you have kept records, you would have some standing in that your brother himself has filed things claiming your father suffered dementia. That would mean by that date your brother HIMSELF proclaimed your father incapable of making a legal designation.

The problem you have is that a case of this type is VERY EXPENSIVE with much legal ferreting out of the facts, and it requires a paper trail tracker, and hours of legal time. No attorney is going to give you free hours and hours and hours, so you are down to an attorney who SEES YOUR EVIDENCE, believes it to be SOLID, and who can make a ton of money from his work by taking your case on contingency.

I hope this makes clear the problem. But long and short is that no attorney does charity work requiring hours and hours of his time for free. You have no money to pay other than money you are attempting to retrieve from your Dad's estate. So we are down to hoping
A) Dad had a huge estate and a ton of money
B) You have excellent records of proof
C) You find a hungry attorney willing to gamble and invest hours of his time.

All those givens are a tough "bar to reach". I sure do wish you good luck. I am so sorry. And it may be best now to cut losses and move on with your life. This is a tragedy you may need to put in your past. Again, I am so sorry.
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I would talk to the District Attorney who helped u previously and ask should you pursue this. You may be passed the statutes of limitations. I think at this point, you don't have the money to pursue this.

Just a question, when APS came into the picture, did you not call the District Attorney to vouch for you. I would think a call from a DA explaining what was going on would have stopped the investigation of APS.
Helpful Answer (4)
CassandraV Sep 30, 2023
well at that time I had so much to do as far as trying to undo everything my brother did along with caring for my elderly father and going up against all my sibling that were backing up my brother because they were. I’m on it too !when my brother brought my father to california my father was in such bad shape that I immediately called APS and they didn’t do anything to help us they said because my father was no longer in danger and the abuse happened in Washington state that I had to call APS in Washington and I did they said since my father didn’t live there anymore that they couldn’t help me .when my brother found out I called APS he turned around and turned me in to APS saying. I was coercing my father to get my fathers money which I was not ! Even if I was my brother already took everything my father had while he was in the care of my brother so APS believed him because he had 4 of my siblings backing him up ! So while I was having to care for my father and bring him back to health along with helping my father trying to get his assets back from my brother APS took it as I was doing. It for myself and made a case against me and not my brother even though my brother took my father out of his home in Canada against his will and forced him to stay in my brother empty rental and pay the mortgage,a maid ,gardener and homeowners insurance and renters insurance and even stole my fathers car ,phone ,computer and sold my fathers condo in Canada without my fathers permission because my brother found a shady lawyer in Canada who helped him forge a POA I at that point was so overwhelmed by everything there was just so so much to try to undo I had a hard time with it all alone and nobody believed my father cuz he was so old everyone assumed he had goes on and on !t caused be to have PTSD over it I NNEW NOTHING ABOUT IT WHEN MY FATHER ARRIVED and TO FIND OUT ALL OF MY HALF SIBLINGS WERE IN ON IT AND AGAINST ME all shocked me ! I did what I could to help my father but I was only one person up against so much and no one like APS ,police ,detectives, lawyers..etc nobody would listen to us or believe that I wasent after my fathers money was horrible! My father was with me for 9months and I spent the entire time defending myself the only people that actually listened was the district attorney and my dads therapist at the VA.that’s how we finally got a temporary restraining order against my brother but unfortunately my father died 3 days before we went to court against my brother when my father died everything stopped and my brother got away with everything the abuse ,neglect,holding my father against his will the money from selling my fathers condo ,the car he stole from my father ,investments ,life insurance everything ! He stole my fathers personal bank account ,savings ,even his credit ! Because my brother has the same name as my father also my brother was /is a financial advisor and insurance agent and had all access to my fathers investments ! I have proof of most of it from what we could uncover in such a short amount of time but enough to bring charges against my brother problem is I don’t have money for a lawyer so because of that my brother got away with it all !sorry I went on and on’s just so complicated and crazy and sad !what my brother did to our father at the end of his life and betrayed my fathers trust because of greed and all makes me sick literally and causes great anxiety in me but I just have a hard time letting it go when there my father and I fought so hard until he died and knowing justice never happened ! Ugh ! I just need someone who will listen and see the proof I have anyway thank you for responding to me
The only thing I can think of is to talk to the police and the district attorney again. Since the DA has some knowledge of the background, he/she should be able to advise or help you with the next steps to take.
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CassandraV Sep 30, 2023
Thank you 🙏
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