
Loose bowels is a problem. Oreos and ice cream are her favorites. Diabetes is another issue. looking for what others have done to help this 'messy' end to a lovely outing after church.

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Are you saying she has diabetes? Why are you feeding her sugary foods like oreos and ice cream? As one ages their taste buds change to preferring sweets. But, sugary treats will only increase motility (movement of bowels) as does veggies and fruits. Stick with any foods she can tolerate. Does she have her teeth, dentures, implants? Is chewing a problem? Since she is having loose stools perhaps she needs B-12 injections 2 - 4 times per month because at 94 she probably isn't absorbing nutrients in her small intestine. Check with her doctor. Also, hydrate her with a product that replaces electrolytes (like Pedialyte) as lots of fluids will be lost with loose stools. When I have loose stools, I like mashed potatoes or sweet, milk with saltines broken up inside the glass so it makes a soup, and toast. Give her time to rest her digestive tract as it is moving the foods through too quickly. Add a Probiotic (GNC has one now that doesn't require refrigeration which has 25 Billion cultures in it). Loose stools are also the body's way of getting rid of foods that might be harmful, so make sure she is not suffering from a virus, bacterial infection or parasite. Best wishes!
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Does she take probiotics, perhaps digestive enzymes, soluble fiber. These might help. Has she had a check for colon cancer lately?
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It's a common misconception that fiber "causes" loose stools. Fiber is able to correct stool consistency. Balance is key. Allowing this person to consume sugary dairy products may bring enjoyment, but is probably making her ill. One alternative I have made is coconut milk ice cream, to which you may add honey and vanilla. Just make a mixture that's pleasing to the taste, and freeze, then blend. It's delicious. Enjoy in SMALL amounts. To help this digest more slowly, you may sprinkle it with flax seeds. I've helped many people overcome a variety of issues with bowels, and rarely do Americans consume enough fiber. I advocate staying away from drugs in almost all cases, and especially where the digestive system is concerned. Pre and pro-biotics, fiber, and adequate clean water, make a HUGE difference in the digestive function. Sugar is an enemy. Raw organic honey has healing properties.
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sounds like lactose intolerance,but I am not a doctor.Crohn's causes that too.Not sure if she is diabetic?Ice cream is loaded with sugar,so are cookies.Maybe its the problem.
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I am not a doctor. (disclaimer) I use 4 metamucil capsules, twice a day and an imodium AD, at night. It works for me 95% of the time.

My mother has the same problems, that you describe. She wouldn't take anything for it, even though I do.
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Mom has the same type of problem and is quite difficult to diagnose. Could be IBS or Chrons or other stuff. What we did was track her food. When we fed her things that resulted in problematic poops, we took it off the list. Things like tomatoes, peppers, cornbread, nuts, and some dairy products. Added probiotics and fiber to her daily meds. Her doc added prilosec to her daily meds. Several times a week I make her a cup of chamomile and lavender tea which settles both her and her tummy. She goes months now without a problem. Hope this helps.
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Any kind of soluble fiber will only increase bowel movements. You can try the anti-diarrhea OTC pills, but if she is only having these loose stools once in awhile after an outing (your words), I would suspect a bacterial infection from the foods she is getting from the restaurant. Remember, the least educated are preparing and serving foods you eat in a restaurant. That's why we don't eat in restaurants because I inevitably get food poisoning or a bug of some kind. People have to be wearing latex gloves before I will eat out. It is rare to be lactose intolerant, but milk is a good source of allergies and chocolate (in Oreos) will cause diarrhea. Her body just may be responding to those allergans. Try feeding her one thing and if she tolerates it, add another. You can find out which food is offending. You could also have her tested for food allergies, but mainly I would stop the restaurant outings. Take care!
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I once looked up "remedies" for diarrhea and read that one should follow the "BRAT" diet - BRAT meaning bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.
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I agree with Ruth1957-- also bananas will help with diarrhea. Ice-cream will definitely contribute to diarrhea. There is a great recipe online for peanut butter ice-cream made with coconut milk. I actually find chocolate constipating.
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My mother has ulcerative colitis and has had nothing but diarrhea for about 10 years now. We find that the more protein she has, and the less sugar and fat, the less trouble we have. Ice cream is very bad, as is anything from McDonalds (not a slam on the company, just she really likes MickeyD's but afterward we always have a big mess!
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