
Mom in a nursing home with dementia. Nursing home is tacking on extra $1k to mom's balance owing (even though she has a set monthly co-pay rate by Medicaid), based on a four-day hospital admission from the nursing home.

Mom entered nursing home in September 2018. First 100 days paid by Medicare. Applied for Medicaid in November. Medicaid finally approved in March 2019. While waiting for approval I continued to pay mom's BC/BC, along with a few other obligations. This left a $5K back balance to the NH.

After Medicaid approval, I cancelled her BC/BC (a very good policy that she carried for years). I began to pay the current rent immediately, along with a set payment of $40 towards the arrears. Even though the current rent is paid on time, there is a $49 late charge each month on the balance in arrears.

I have lowered the arrears balance to $3K. My sister wants to pay the arrears balance (in exchange for my signing my mom's co-op shares to her. I am my mom's legal guardian).

I called the nursing home business office to confirm the balance owing that my sister will pay. My records show a balance of $3300. Nursing home says $4400. The reason for this is, they state, is because my mom was hospitalized for four days in March. And because it was considered a "re-admit", there is another $1k added to her balance owing.

How can they add another $1K when the monthly rent determined by Medicaid has been established? This sounds like each time my mother goes to the hospital, I will be owing another chunk? And why would this be owed to the nursing home?

I'm not sure I have conveyed this circus dilemma as clearly as it should be, and hoping someone gets it and can ask me the right questions for clarification.

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I'm a nurse that has worked in NH's and this just doesn't make sense to me.
In my state, when patients were waiting for Medicaid to kick in the NH just billed the state for the back payment. It seems they only care about the money if they charge you a late fee every month.
If it were me I would call the state and have them check out their billing policy.
The NH will have the 800 number to the state agency visible when you enter the billing along with the survey.
Helpful Answer (7)
Lostinva May 2019
You’re right Jstanford, see my post!
I looked up co op shares. So my question is, how did Medicaid look at this? Like a house she is allowed to have? If so, you may not be able to turn over the shares. This is a question for Medicaid.

Another question would be how the NH is billing Mom. Once she is on Medicaid there should be no extra billings. She has no money and you are not responsible for the debt. I would ask her Medicaid caseworker about this. Also, putting late charges on a balance owed.
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i don’t know if this is the right answer . But even if mom goes into the hospital your still paying rent at the NH for thirty days even if she’s there or not. It all depends on how your agreement was worded that you signed. Some things aren’t covered by Medicaid also. And maybe her other insurance doesn’t pay if she’s not there. I’d ask for an itemized statement of charges and read the lease on the nursing home sometimes there is a one year or two year spend down your paying for before Medicaid kicks in. I was told by Medicaid not to pay for mom’s placement while she was in the hospital. They closed my claim because of this. Now reopening. I don’t understand a lot of this either and image there are a lot of people out there that don’t. Medicaid is such a hush hush thing and they don’t give families much information. People also need to be careful of what they sign before signing these agreements. I had my attorneys look mine over and there were some things I would have been stuck. Paying for if I hadn’t had them look it over . Best to contact someone before signing these NH contracts
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Money maker for the NH. They're using hospital admission to justify this charge. Take a look at the contract. It should state out if the resident is charged if he/she is admitted to the hospital. Readmit fee. does not make sense since she has not been discharged from the NH. If that was the case, then you would be able to move her somewhere else and get a final bill from NH
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Zelda - for more fun something else to deal with could be on the horizon..... since your mom’s approval for LTC Medicaid is fairly fresh, her being on Medicaid may not have caught up with BCBS yet...... Most BCBS policy’s have it that IF another entity can be the secondary insurance then the BCBS has to be either suspended or cancelled. BCBS will retro back to date Medicaid started and premiums will be repaid. Any providers paid by BCBS during this period will get a clawback of payments paid. So they will have to rebill in a timely manner to Medicaid and get paid whatever Medicaids reimbursement rate is. It probably will be much much lower than what BCBS pays.

If your moms Blues has this system, please send a letter to the NH clearly stating that BCBS will be suspended (as she is now on Medicaid) and that all providers need to be notified by the NH as it’s the NH who hires or contracts the various providers for the NH. It will be the outside vendors - like podiatrist, Mobile X-ray co - who are affected the most. They will not be happy when the clawback finally surfaces.
Helpful Answer (2)
Zelda53 May 2019
This $1k charge has nothing to do with BC/BS. I cancelled her BC as soon as I got notice that Medicaid was approved. Can't pay BC now because all her money goes to the NH.

The 1K is for NH rent, they say, for the days her bed was empty during her 2-3 day hospital stay. And right now I'm thinking -- she went to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon around 2 pm. She came back to the NH on Saturday around 3 pm. Hmmm.

The hospital admission occurred at the same time Medicaid was approved. I was actually informed by the hospital admitting clerk that my mom had Medicaid. Oh, really? I had no idea that it had been approved. I received notice from Medicaid on 3/25 that she was approved, retro to November 2018. How did the hospital know mom had medicaid and I didn't? It must be that information came from NH to hospital when she was admitted on 3/19. Of course that's how the hospital knew! Notice came to me by mail during that 2-3 days of chaos in the hospital.

I have not actually actually been billed that amount from the NH yet. The only reason I know about it is because my sister wanted to pay the arrears balance (rent that I had not paid while Medicaid was pending). I am LG so NH wouldn't talk to my sister. I called NH to see what balance they had. It was 1K more than my calculated balance. I questioned that. Biller said, "Well, maybe there was an adjustment made from when she was in the hospital in March." Oh, really?, i thought. "Maybe" there was an adjustment? If you are the Business Office, why are you saying "maybe".

I went to my mailbox and there was the bill. That invoice was dated early May. Rent due by May 15th. I paid rent along with a small arrears payment on May 9. The hospitalization was afternoon March 19 through afternoon March 23. So on the May invoice, this "maybe" adjustment was not yet on the invoice. From March. I told the administrator at a meeting a week later that "your invoice and information today is vague and obscure." And he abruptly ended the meeting and walked out when I told him I may be contacting the local news station watch dog to figure this out. He said if I did do that, he would be reporting me to Adult Protective Services...
Wow! I’d find an elder care attorney!! They’re robbing you. My mom was in AL. They took all but $40 of her SS & applied for Medicaid for her. She kept getting bills with a balance due each month but we were told to ignore that, they have to send bills out. Once Medicaid went through, no more bills
Helpful Answer (1)
Zelda53 May 2019
No money for an eldercare attorney. One thing -- we haven't been robbed until a payment is made. So that's a good thing.

Since Medicaid was approved (mid-March, retro to mid-September 2018 when mom was dumped to NH by my sister after a hospital admission), I have paid the required rent set by Medicaid -- SS/pension, minus $60 my mom gets to keep. So right now I am current except for the amount I didn't pay while Medicaid was pending. So I don't argue the co-pay rent. The late fee for that amount is questionable.

Everything I pay now goes to the back balance, nothing is applied to current monthly rent. I told NH I would pay two separate checks each month -- one for the current month, the other for payment towards the balance accrued during Medicaid pending. That is for my own bookkeeping -- so I can see exactly what is going on, on paper, in front of me on my desk. "We don't do it that way. The whole amount you pay goes to the arrears balance", they said. My reply -- so, in other words, it's like I have a Sears revolving change. Late fee every month and late fee increases the balance every month. There will be a balance owing, forever."

Then of course there is that $1k they want mom to pay. Not touching that. Waiting for Medicaid call me back.

I will continue to write two checks until this is resolved.
We had to hire an elder care attorney to figure out what we needed to do to get Dad to stay at the nursing home. After all was said and done, after several months, the nursing home paid the attorney’s bill. Since we were getting the attorney for Dad, I think that Medicaid made the nursing home pay. But my brother talked to a Medicaid person and got it started.
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Was your mom officially discharged from the NH?
Was there any prior notification of this charge?
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Zelda53 Jun 2019
Not discharged. Sent to hospital as an emergency. In March.. Medicaid approved at the same time. Almost to the date. Now June, three months later, and it’s finally showing up on the nursing home statement. There is no money to pay for this. And they know it.

You need to contact the Medicaid caseworker. Mom cannot pay for something she cannot afford and you are not responsible. You shouldn't even be getting a bill. Mom contributes her SS and pension. Medicaid does the rest.

This is a billing error by the NH or its something Medicaid picks up. Whatever, its not ur responsibility. Once my Mom was on Medicaid, the NH became her payees and I never saw a bill.
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Zelda53 Jun 2019
The only reason I get a bill is because I have not assigned her income to the NH. I send a check each month. It makes me wonder if this would still happen if/when I assign her income over. Re-reading your post sounds like this may be the case. When a doctor's office "accepts Medicare assignment" (for a patient that is not in a NH), that means they accept what Medicare/Medicaid/Medi-Call pays. No balance owing is sent to the patient.

Again, I didn't sign her income over in the beginning for a few reasons -- Medicaid pending -- what if -- for some reason -- Medicaid was not approved? I chose to to keep her BC/BS active in the interim. She would have been straight Medicare from the start. Her BC was a very good policy. I can already see that since her BC has been cancelled, her medical testing (it seems) is going down.

And what if -- I had decided to take her home with me after the initial 100 days of medicare. I wish that had happened because mom has gone downhill over the seven months in NH. Now it is too late in the game for her to come home with me, pretty sure but not 100% sure.

I became her LG three months after NH admission. It's a learning process. I can never accept to -- just do what they tell you -- even if I end up making a mistake.
I just signed paperwork for my mother to go into NH on Rehab. In the paperwork there is a statement that says if for any reason she needs to be sent to the hospital she would be responsible for a daily charge to hold her room until she returns from the hospital. I told them she doesn't have the funds to pay a daily hold fee for a room. They said in that case I would need to take all her belongings out of the room and she would have to wait for another rehab bed when discharged from the hospital. They also said that when she changes from rehab to SNF and I put in the paperwork for Medicaid she would have to pay whatever she can afford each month toward her stay until Medicaid comes through. I take it that they mean whatever amount she will need to pay from her income less the $50 allowance when Medicaid starts paying. I'm just hoping that she doesn't need another hospital stay while in rehab. Her problem right now is most of her income is going to pay for her ALP placement. They will hold her room while she is in Rehab but that must continue to be paid for. I have still to learn how this affects her insurance once going on Medicaid. I don't know if MLTC takes over and her Medicare and supplement goes away. Very confusing and I work in the field!
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Zelda53 Jun 2019
Interesting. And confusing, yes.

I got a call from the NH doc last week. He wanted to send mom to the hospital for workup because she was more confused, and nursing staff said she was hallucinating. I told him the nursing home charged her $1k the month before while her bed was empty for three days. He then said -- we'll do the workup here then....

Good thing, because she bounced back during my visits beginning an hour after that phone call over a three-day period. I think the issue is that when she doesn't get proper enough sleep, she get more confused more often. Got to keep up on this stuff -- reasons for this and that. When I gave the doctor my handwritten report of my observation over three days he said, "....good thing we didn't send her to the hospital..."

So in the future, no hospitalization unless there is a true emergency.
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