
Several weeks ago, we purchased hearing aids for our mother who is in a Nursing home. I accompanied her at the hearing aid appointment and when she received her hearing aids. I gave instructions to the nurse that my mother will need assistance to put her hearing aids in and out of her ears. I was told no problem because we can put this in her care plan to have someone put her hearing aids in her ear in the morning and take it out at bedtime. I was told they do this for all their residents who have hearing aides. I felt better after I heard they will do this for her. After a weeks time I visited her and I noticed she was having problems with hearing me and I looked in her ear and she did not have her hearing aids in. I looked in her case and there was only 1 hearing aide in the case. The one hearing aid in the case was not on the charger. I asked the nurse and her Social worker about the missing hearing aid. They stated they will look for it, but, they could not find the hearing aid. I asked the Social worker what happens now. She stated they do not reimbursed for missing hearing aid. My brother stated that we should just purchase another one. My concern is why purchase another hearing aid and it is lost again because this nursing home is not responsible for resident's missing property such as hearing aid. Since she is under their care, I feel they should be responsible. A hearing aid is not like clothing or jewelry, it is a device to help with her daily living.

Any advice you can provide me will be greatly appreciated.

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Can you ask your mother about the missing hearing aid? It’s possible that the nurses and aids are so busy (since most nursing homes have a shortage of help) that they were not putting them into her ears. Maybe your mother tried to put it in herself and dropped it. I would go to her room and look around for it. The nurses and aids are probably too busy to look for it properly.
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When my mom was in Assisted Living she lost her hearing aid..wore it for years and was diligent with changing the battery etc. Well, she couldn’t find it one day so I made an appointment for a company to come fit her for a new one. She only wore one, but the new ones came with a remote for turning it up and down. She never used them once she got them. So a few months later she was moved to the Skilled Nursing unit. Staff moved her clothes and toiletries. I donated her bed and recliner. When I went to her room to make sure it was completely emptied I found her lost hearing aid on the floor under where her recliner was, it blended right with the carpet.
After she was settled in her new room I had asked her CNA about her hearing aids and she didn’t know that my mom had hearing aids..some time went by and mom and I were going through her drawer where she kept odds and ends. She had quite a few of denture containers, she said open them up. So most of them had her necklaces and bracelets that Activates ladies gave out. The last one I opened had her hearing aids in it. Everyone was thrilled they were found, and mom didn’t want to wear them…

my mom was always putting stuff in stuff and getting misplaced…
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I took my Mom to one of her ear doctor appts. While there he was telling me one of his patients was complaining about not be able to hear with her aids so he went to the NH to exam her. Seems all hearing aids are left at the nurses station at night. The aids get them in the morning. He took the hearing aide out of the woman's ear and found it had no battery. He took the aide out to the Nurses station and told the RN hearing aides need batteries to work.

My Mom never wore her aides. I still have them. Last I checked they are still working. So, I never left them at the home. The home cannot be held responsible because its not always their fault they are lost. Members have said LOs wrap them up in a tissue and throw them out.
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