
She is 87 years old, she is in a nice home and on hospice they take good care of her, she sleeps alot, and is very very thin, it is heartbreaking to see her like this, hospice says her body is shutting down, but she has a strong heart. I just want her to go so she can be in peace, it is so sad to see my mother like this, how long can this last? she eats a little bit, has to be fed pured or mechanically fine foods. She just gets thinner and thinner.

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She is one tough lady. She can keep going as long as she is eating. 16 months is an unusually long time on Hospice. Some patients need permission to go, they need to know you will be OK and you will take care of others in the family.
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Yes I've told her she can go and we will be all right. I quess she has a strong italian heart! time will tell, I just can't believe she is lingering on like this, she is so frail and thin, sleeps all day, can not get out of bed because of her condition. I visit her every few days just so she knows I'm here with her, this is so sad, and hard on her and me at the same time. My thoughts are always about her,
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My Mother was on Hospice for three and a half years straight.She had COPD,was on oxygen 24/7,in a wheelchair,and spent a lot of time in her liftchair.She couldn't taste or smell or hear anymore and ate very little,but she was with me and when it was her time,God took her in His perfect timing.Take good care in the days ahead,Lu
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It always gets me - the timing of some posts. I was just thinking about this. My mom is entering her seventh month on hospice. I visited her this afternoon - wound up taking her wedding ring home with me - it was falling off because she has lost so much weight. Mom worn that ring everyday for the past 66 years.
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Thank you for your comments, I know it is hard, but only god knows when it is time
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