
My daughter is so upset. Name calling that is cruel. Blaming us for everything. Always says she wants us to die.

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Barely, you posted of similar issues four years ago, sounds like nothing has changed. Why are you continuing to live with mom?
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Riverdale Oct 2018
How do you see posts from 4 years ago? It is frustrating when someone does that showing no change to the situation. I also find it odd that someone will post about a very difficult situation and then not respond to those trying to help. I understand venting but in my opinion a poster should show some gratitude to those responding.
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Hi Barely
Are you living with your mom in her home? That’s the only way I can imagine you allowing your child to be abused. How old is your daughter? How long has this been going on? Can you move?
Your mom obviously needs to have a medical checkup. Sometimes something as simple as a pee test for a UTI can identify the problem and an antibiotic can significantly improve behavior if that’s the problem.
Most likely her behavior won’t get better on her own. Should she land in an ER for any reason, be sure to have her tested for mental issues as well.
Is she on any medication? Does she take it correctly?
Its difficult to help you with so little information.
if your daughter is a minor YOU are responsible for any abuse. Get her out of your mothers negative atmosphere. Your first responsibility is to your child.
Im sorry you are dealing with this. Decide to stop.
edit. I just saw glads post.
Please give us more info. You are welcome to come her and vent but really , why live like this??
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