
this has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.. watch my mom slowly slip away. God I’m going to miss her voice, her touch, her encouragement… this is just a different type of pain and hurt. Thank you all for the encouraging messages on my post.

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I’m so very sorry.
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Lilmama, Sorry for your loss.
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You were her earth angel and she knows it. Until you meet again, she will always be your guardian angel. Love never dies.

I lost my Mom to multiple sclerosis in 2004, right before Christmas and not a day passes I don't miss everything about her. Sending HUGS to you lilmomma70.
Helpful Answer (2)

Lilmama, my deepest condolences to you upon the loss of your own beloved “lil mama.” I hope wonderful memories of your time together bring comfort and peace to you and your family.
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You are still so fresh in your grief. It will pass, over time. Don't wallow in it, but do allow the feelings to come, be felt and re-organized into healthy, good memories of mom.

I guess we all think our folks are going to live forever. Of course that's not possible.

Take care of yourself and allow the grief to come. It will lessen over time.

Be GLAD you had a great mom and great relationship with her!! Many are not so lucky.
Helpful Answer (4)

My condolences.
I do understand your feelings as my Mom died in February, my Dad died 5 years prior. I took care of them for a decade in my home. And I am so very glad and proud that I could take care of them. Do, I still grieve? occasionally, but The bitter pain does lessen.

In time, you'll find ways to re-connect to normal life with things you enjoy.Since it had been a decade of caring, I slowly reconnected with everyday life by
walking my dog in different areas of town to see more people, joined a church, workout, and volunteer.

The weirdest thing I've experienced since re-connecting to "normal" life. Is that clothing sizes have changed. I would just order size 12 online and everything fit just fine...The first few times that I've gone into a store, size 12 still fits but before care-giving size 12 was a large and in stores now, size 12 is a medium.
I'm still the same lovable chunk that I've always been.
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I’m very sorry for your loss. There’s a unique pain in losing a beloved mother. I haven’t yet found when one stops missing them. I wish you healing and peace in the days to come
Helpful Answer (2)

I'm so sorry you've lost your mom. This much love comes with the pain and hurt you are feeling. It just has to be this way, but still, it is so wonderful you had her. Now you have memories to hold dear. Take care of yourself.
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My condolences on your great loss. Know that she will never leave you.
Take extreme care of yourself as you adjust to the new rhythm of your days.
Big hugs
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How very lucky you are, to have had a mother you truly loved, and will miss. A gift of Fate not all are given!
Helpful Answer (5)

{{{hugs}}} god bless you. You're right it's different and all the things you describe will always be there, missing will never go away. It is the hardest things in life to see parents go, there's no words to console your feelings. If you have close support at this time, that alone is a blessing in these times. I fear when my mom is no longer with me, due to my back story, I'll have to face it mostly alone. I hope you find inner peace, but don't try and block anything out (all easy for me to say), it's part of the grieving. I know I will feel just like you. It's the hardest thing to live with the memories and not the actual person to still share things with. Peace will eventually come....

love & peace.
Helpful Answer (3)

My deepest condolences on the loss of your dear mom. Sending you a big hug and prayers for grace as you process this grief.
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I am so sorry for your loss. Take time to do nice things for yourself in the weeks ahead. The tough thing is that there aren't short cuts to grief. We each get to start a new day and to carry the good of who we have lost with us. Be patient with yourself....waves of memories come and go. Remember to breathe, listen to music and take a walk when you need to.
Helpful Answer (3)

Sympathy on your loss. I am so very sorry. Hugs to you.
Helpful Answer (2)

It has been 58 years since my Mom died.
It has been 54 years since my Dad died.
I still miss their voice, their encouragement.
But there are times when I feel and hear them. So they may be gone from this earth but they are in my heart and mind. Not all the time cuz that would be creepy but when I need them I will talk to them and ask advice.
I had a long discussion with them when my Husband was dying.

The pain will lessen, it will still be there but it is like a deep wound.
It hurts like the dickens when it happens but gradually it scabs over. For a while it is real easy to break that scab and cause hurt. But slowly the scabs gets smaller and smaller and soon you are left with a scar. That scar is sometimes angry and red and you remember the hurt but most of the time it is just there a gentle reminder.
Your grief will change
Give yourself all the time you need.

It has been 7 years since my Husband died and I still have days where I feel the pain and hurt but most of the time aa day is just another day.
Helpful Answer (5)

{Hugs}. I know how you feel. It's been 20 years since I lost my mom. I miss her every day. It's a feeling that never leaves you, but I can tell you that the pain will ease. Give it some time, and don't let anyone rush you in your grief. It's yours and yours alone. You're entitled to feel just as you wish.
You'll always love and miss her, but I promise, you will smile again. Just breathe and take your time with your grief. There is no mourning period.
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Go sit some where pretty Like the beach or a place that reminds you of Mom . perhaps speak to her and buy some flowers . I dream of My Mom and we have fun in My dreams . This can take years to process - at Least a couple years . I Like Looking at the photos of My Mom and her children . Takes time . I am sorry for your Loss .
Helpful Answer (4)

Remember in your grief to celebrate her life and the love you shared with her. I am 81. I don't expect my mom to still be here for me, but in so many ways she and my dear dad do live with me daily in my memories of them and my beloved brother. I guarantee you Mom will be here.
The loss of our parents is so profound. And something that Jane Fonda said so long ago when her Dad, Henry died, always rang so true for me. We know we are alone. We know we are "next up" in the line. We understand we will go, as well, and it is a shock along with the loss of all the love and support.
I am so sorry for your loss. I am so glad the passing was peaceful and without trauma. My heart goes out to you. Give yourself all the time you need and be gentle with yourself.
Helpful Answer (7)

My condolence is sent out to you. I know exactly how you are feeling right now. Time will eventually heal the pain of losing your mother. As you grieve your mother’s death, just know that she is in a better place where she has no more pain and suffering. My ex sister-in-law just died a week ago and her funeral is on Friday, 11/2/23. Even though her death was difficult for my nieces and nephew to accept, it was a relief to them that she passed away. She had heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. She had a second bypass surgery earlier this year, which her doctor warned her against, but she was adamant that she wanted the heart surgery which caused complications and eventually caused her to be on dialysis. My nieces and nephew were so burnt out with going back and forth with their mother going into the hospital then into rehab almost every week that they had almost given up on the situation as it was affecting them physically and mentally. Their mother’s passing is now a relief to them.

As you grieve your mother’s passing, try your best not to focus on her death but focus on the happy times that you have had with her. Surround yourself with loved ones and friends as you go through this period of grieving. After your mother’s funeral, try to find activities like volunteering that would keep your mind focused on other things instead of her death.

Praying that you will find peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Helpful Answer (2)

I'm so sorry for your loss!

Be kind to yourself and be comfortable by your many good memories.
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I lost my mom in October 5 years ago and the change of seasons always brings bittersweet memories, I'm sorry for your loss.
Helpful Answer (4)

I am sorry for your loss. I'm glad to hear that she went quietly and peacefully.
And of course you're hurting and heartbroken, as you apparently had a good mom who is worth being heartbroken over.
But please take comfort in the fact that your mom is now at peace and can suffer no more, and make sure that you're now taking the proper care of yourself as your mom would want that.
May God bless and comfort you in the days, weeks and months ahead.
Helpful Answer (6)

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