
My husband and I are both disabled and are not able to care for her. She falls and her behavior is erratic and she wanders. Should I call an ambulance (I believe she has a urinary tract infection) and have her go to hospital to get her placed as we have been unable to find a facility that has an available bed. There are no other family members that can help. We don't know what to do. Since she was evicted my husband and I have basically been homeless with her as we cannot have her in our home. On several occasions she has been physically combative. Help I need advice. Today she used a bag of potato chips to wipe herself after urinating. She thinks her son is her husband. She cannot have a normal speaking conversation anymore. She needs 24/7 care and we can't provide that. If she is discharged from er will I get in trouble if we say we aren't able to care for her and say it's a unsafe discharge?

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Yes, call 911 to take her to the ER, then meet them there and state frankly that this is a social admit and unsafe discharge: You are disabled and cannot take her, end of, and she can't even go home since there is no home. They will have to figure out a place to put her.
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This is what we in kindness call the "ER Dump" and sometimes, unfortunately, it is the only way. You will have to ask fro Social Services right away and say that you cannot safely care for her in the home and that she is a danger both to herself and to you and cannot return home. I would say that there are, yes, symptoms of a UTI, but I would also say that she needs a thorough assessment for her mentation. Include the combativeness; say you are afraid. Include the fact you are facing homelessness and she must have placement. Do not argue with them about anything as they will promise you anything. They will tell you "We can get your help" or "we can make this work". They can't and they won't.
If your grandmother is assessed competent then she will be discharged if she requests it, but that sounds unlikely.
Tell them that if she is returned home you will refuse her. They may tell you that you cannot serve as her POA. If that is the case tell them you would like the State to become her guardian. That is the most certain way to her safe placement.
I am sorry you are faced with this, and I am sorry your MIL is. If this is symptoms of a UTI it will have come on suddenly, but it sounds more to me that you are looking at a dementia you are no longer able to care for. I wish all of you luck and hope MIL gets good placement after diagnosis and treatment.
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Good insights have been give to you. You may have to go through a "protocol" to resign as her PoA, if that's what you want (look it up for your home state). If she hasn't been receiving any mail at your home, then it can't be proven that it was ever her residence in the first place (and the hospital discharge staff needs to know this). Tell them she was evicted and her staying at your home was a temporary aid -- she has no home. Follow all the other advice given. I wish you much success in working through a solution.
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