
Mom had a stroke and our brother did not alow the other siblings to act.  We arranged guardians but they quit after he tried to place a restraining order. We ended up placing him as a guardian and I never went to court after. He has been defaming us since then, doing whatever he wants, and now is trying to place a gag order so I cannot talk to mom or my other brother. I am in Michigan. He is in Florida. What recourse do I have?

Find Care & Housing
Guardians can't quit. If done correctly, a filing is made to the court. The person your getting the guardianship on has to be declared incompetent to make informed decisions. A Judge then makes the decision who will be assigned guardianship. The person assigned has to report to the State yearly. When my brother went for guardianship for my then 7 yr old nephew, I had to sign paperwork saying I was not contesting it. Guardianship is very hard to get rid of. Again, you need to go thru channels, you just don't quit. It is pretty much for life, theirs or yours. Who ever goes first.

Placing him, you mean the narcissist? You can't place him. He has to go to court. Do you mean you did not contest it? If your brother went to court and was assigned guardianship, not much you can do. He has all the control. He can do whatever he wants.

Gag order...
A gag order is a legal order that restricts the public disclosure or discussion of information related to a case or sensitive matter. Gag orders can be issued by courts, governments, or private entities"

Your brother would need to get a protective order and prove why he feels you talking to Mom is detrimental to her.

I am really sorry for what you are going thru but what did you think would happen by allowing a narcisstic brother to become guardian? The only thing I can see maybe you doing, is if he gets the protective order you contest it. That means a lawyer for you, though. Again, sorry you are going thru this.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Very sorry for all you are going through, but a Forum such as this cannot give you much other than sympathy. I would deal with the authorities in your own area. If they cannot help you, there may BE no help for your sad situation. Start with APS. Contact your local council on aging also for some direction. See an elder law attorney if you must (quite the expense these days) to get options for action. I am wishing you the best.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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