
I have been denied A&A because I'm not missing a limb. The rator on my request ignored several healthcare provider reports which state my homebound agoraphobia is service connected to the PTSD. Suggest?

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From the V A website.

Aid & Attendance (A&A)
The Aid & Attendance (A&A) increased monthly pension amount may be added to your monthly pension amount if you meet one of the following conditions:
You require the aid of another person in order to perform personal functions required in everyday living, such as bathing, feeding, dressing, attending to the wants of nature, adjusting prosthetic devices, or protecting yourself from the hazards of your daily environment
You are bedridden, in that your disability or disabilities requires that you remain in bed apart from any prescribed course of convalescence or treatment
You are a patient in a nursing home due to mental or physical incapacity
Your eyesight is limited to a corrected 5/200 visual acuity or less in both eyes; or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less
This increased monthly pension amount may be added to your monthly pension amount when you are substantially confined to your immediate premises because of permanent disability.

I certainly hope that your agoraphobia is being treated and not being considered a permanent condition!
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Have you been straight out told you were denied A&A because you're not missing a limb? That doesn't sound right. Usually, too much in assets and income disqualify you from it. Also, the application process is extremely scrutinized and has to be perfect, but I'm sure you already know that.
With already having 100%, which is difficult to get, there must be more that they aren't telling you.
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Big bang and Barb: with close review i see my claim is not clear enough for a rater to connect dots despite Dr notes. Will rewrite.
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Good luck! And please come back and tell us the outcome; we learn from each other here!
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Piper, I am in the process of applying for the aid and attendance from the VA from for my 87 year old father-in-law. We are using the services of an attorney, that will supposedly fast-track his application through the process, provided that he meets all of the financial and physical qualifications. He is currently in a assisted living facility, which does take all of his monthly income to live there, but the process is vigorous and every T must be crossed and I must be dotted.

My suggestion to you if you haven't already, is to work with a VA representative or a VA accredited attorney, to help you fill out your claim vigorously, and ask the VA to review your file once more.

I know that it's very important for your physician to be on board and to work with you to the best outcome. Good luck, as I know that this is a long and difficult process.
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Go to ur local VA office with help. Mom was turned down because she made over 13k a year! Who can live on 13k. I proved she was in an AL so she was paying more out then she brought in for her care. I really think someone didn't look at her application correctly. I didn't fight it because she would be shortly in LT on Medicaid and u can't have both Medicaid and A&A.
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