
I am looking for ideas of what I can leave next to my dad's automated medication dispenser (it's a big device about 14" x 7" x 7") for him to swallow his pills.

I just read about those gels that make it easier for patients to swallow pills. They also sell sprays and coatings for pills. I don't know if those are sweetened. He's diabetic.

They also say that if the patient has trouble swallowing in general, which my dad does, then they shouldn't use those products.

Every time he takes his medication with refrigerated applesauce he has to go from the machine over to the kitchen and it's a lot of wasted movement for him with his walker early in the morning or late at night when he's tired. I thought maybe a nut butter. We have to keep in mind he also has diabetes.

If he opens up one of those little refrigerated snack size containers of unsweetened applesauce, (he currently takes a spoonful at a time out of a jar), I wouldn't feel confident leaving it out all day in case bacteria started growing in it and he got sick.

And they don't have enough money to be having him open up a whole new snack size container every time he has to take his meds.

I'd like to figure out a way where he has about a tablespoons worth of something without sugar in it that can stay fresh on his dresser.

Then we would set up if needed a set of spoons for the week so he's not using the same spoon every time because that's part of the reason he then would go back to the kitchen to put the spoon in the sink or rinse it out.

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Why not get him a mini fridge, the sort that holds a six pack or that you can get for RUVs, and put it near the dispenser. And packs of catering disposable spoons, ideally wooden or bamboo for eco reasons.

I do think you could also relax just a tad about a) the quantity of sugar contained in say half a pot of custard and b) the perils of food poisoning. I agree that food hygiene is important, but re-using a licked teaspoon would not mean certain death.

His having a swallowing impairment is a bit more of a worry, especially if he's taking his medication unsupervised. Pharmacists are excellent sources of advice for how to lessen this different set of risks.
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I wouldn't stop him from getting up and walking to the kitchen. He needs to stay mobile as long as possible. What will happen to him if he loses his mobility completely?

Sometimes we disable our loved ones by intervening when we shouldn't. I learned this truth the hard way.
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Pdiane82 Sep 2022
I hear you I wish my mom would just stand up so I can get her from her bed to her portable toilet it's next to her bed I can get her on ii but I have trouble getting her back in her bed
Keep a mini fridge close by. Get an old style ice cube tray. I prefer the silicone ones. Fill them with Jello shots. I do not understand why you are worried about small amounts of sweetened items for 2 to 4 doses a day. After all, any food item including bread or starch contain calories converted into sugars. I think a total ban on small sugared items are too strict.
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I purchased propel drink for my mom. It is electrolyte water that doesn’t need refrigeration. She has 1 by the bed and 1 on her table. We keep a straw in it. She wasn’t remembering to drink and this works because it is always ready.
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My mom did the same thing she would spit her medicine out or take it out of her mouth and give it to me. This is how I get her to take her medicine I crash the pill and put it in her food and I don't have any more problem with her taking her medicine. I give her vitamins in the morning and their fruit flavor and chewable I don't have any trouble with her taking them and her fish oil pills
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ALipia40 Sep 2022
Just make sure the pills can be crushed.
Why can't your dad walk to the kitchen and get exercise? Some pills should be swallowed whole, not crushed. If unsure what coating or food to use, check with his doctor since he has diabetes.

For myself, I have prediabetes and eat natural, whole wheat crackers. I take Trazadone for sleep, so food or milk must be taken to avoid an upset stomach as well as make swallowing easier.
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Can your dad add a thickener to a small water bottle or small kiddie size sippy cup?
You could get tiny tupperware cups from the dollar store and premeasure the powdered thickener.
He then adds to his water and shake.

As for spoons get disposable ones.

A great option is to ask a speech therapist.
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Good Morning,

How about apple sauce?

Works for Mom...hope this helped!
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Milk or orange juice works well.
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Pills need to be mashed...into something..., water.,..with my father at a NH... I visited theory was that the less water less diaper to his pills. Frankly everything changed when he was admitted...personally I was never informed, again should have inquired, that they have a service for doctors appointments. Or a shuttle,.....the attendants do not feed
a patient when he refuses food....also they don't feed when there is one attendant, not enough help! in the morning feeding 8 people with dementia...meaning food gets cold when it gets to Dad.....I think they are transferred into dementia ward.......this I found out when I changed my arrival method to the morning from my regular visit in the only reason for putting dad in a NH was that I could not see myself changing his diapers...and being afraid that he would fall at his room...however now, it would have been better for him to stay home with visiting attendants using his 2000.00 dollars of social security .......maybe the NH doesn't take care of people on Medicaid and just attends to the 8000.00 per mo paying people in the home....what a conundrum! Frankly if they don't eat they will this why we put them in for a quick death..once the patient is immoblile,blind,cant see his water,doesnt remember his water its all downhill!
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ravensdottir Sep 2022
Is it too late to move Dad back home? Medicaid would rather pay for at-home care because it costs them less than facilities with their overhead and staff salaries, etc.

A Medicaid waiver will get NH-level care at home. If Dad's a veteran, VA will pay for at-home care through a couple of programs.
My grandmother always chewed a piece of cracker or bread and then put the pill in her mouth before swallowing. (No swallowing impairment, just problem with swallowing pills - my mother is the same.)
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I swear, Amazon has everything. Check this out, maybe it will work for your father.
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I use those unsweetened applesauce pouches for kids to take my pills cause I just find it easier. If your dad doesn’t eat veggies you can get the kind they make with veggies in it to sneak in a little extra veggie serving too. Those have a bit of sugar usually, but definitely not enough to worry over. They don’t need refrigeration until they are opened and have an easy open top that can be replaced.

my other suggestion would have been yogurt, but obviously that has to be refrigerated…
is there a reason you can’t move the medication dispenser to be closer to the fridge? And like some others said- exercise is good!! The more movement, the better as our muscles atrophy much quicker as we age. The exercise he gets walking over to the fridge with the walker might be unpleasant for him but it will help him avoid falls in the long run because he is working his leg muscles.
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You can buy tiny tablespoon size containers in the dollar store which can be filled ahead of time with just the right amount he needs. Please stay away from using nut butter as the "glide" as it can get stuck in the throat. Lastly, your dad should follow up with a swig or two of water to carry the pills down into his stomach. Taking pills without liquid is asking for trouble.
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Unless I am missing something, it seems that your father would be okay taking the pills with water. So, why not move the pill box to the kitchen where he can get water? A stack of small disposable cups next to sink may make you comfortable knowing he can use a fresh cup each dose. If he wants something cold like water or applesauce the refrigerator would be close by. For my mom I encourage her to make trips to the kitchen or anywhere else in the house to keep her mobile and prevent pressure sores. If moving the pill box is not an option can you put some small bottles of water by the box, enough so he'll have a fresh one every day? I hope you find something that works.
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There are packets of shelf stable apple sauce that would be ideal. You just twist the lid off and squeeze in your mouth, no spoon needed. Look at Target, Walmart or your grocery store for GoGoSqueeze. My kids love them.
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Break up his medication and use something like prune or cranberry juice. That is what we do for ,y spouse. If he has to use the walker, that is better for him. make him move around. Eventually, he will be in a wheel chair and bed only.
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Apple sauce or pudding they have regular and unsweeten
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Sugar free chocolate pudding! Maybe in a squeeze bottle (eliminating the need for a spoon).
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Hi! My Dad is also diabetic, and I put an Atkins or other protein drink out with his meds. He can usually drink most of it before going to bed. Hope this helps!
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Unsweetened small containers of applesauce
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Cecpin: Imho, perhaps he can have by his bedside/within reach small unrefrigerated bottles of water, i.e. 6 oz. or kidsize. If you desire to keep the small bottles of water chilled, get a tini mini frig to place within his reach.
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Your father has trouble swallowing pills....eating food makes it easier to swallow pills and that's what people are missing by suggesting water or juice. My husband takes A LOT of pills every morning and cannot do so without food to ease them gliding down his throat....pudding, applesauce, cottage cheese, eggs, fruit, etc. Even grapes would likely do the trick for your father and don't require refrigeration.

Swallowing issues can be serious. If he hasnt already, Dad should have a swallow evaluation/study to determine if its safe FOR him to BE swallowing pills in the first place, and if it's safe to do so unsupervised. It sure sounds like he's in no condition to be left alone for a week at a time. That's not a judgment, it's a statement from a concerned third party hearing the situation he's facing with walkers, pills, diabetes, swallowing issues, mobility problems etc. Once he's given a proper swallow study, the therapist can tell you what products are recommended to help him swallow the pills, providing they're safe to swallow, or if he should have liquid meds instead. There are thickened liquids available for people with swallow issues that may do the trick for dad, if approved by the therapist.

You may also want to bring in an Occupational therapist to evaluate dad's home environment. She can suggest safety tips for him and ideas to make his life safer and easier to get around, in the shower, bed, bedroom, kitchen, etc. Medicare should pay for such an evaluation if his PCP recommends it. This would help you feel better too, that dad was living in a safer environment geared towards his specific needs and issues.

Best of luck to you.
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If your dad is having trouble swallowing, he runs the risk of inhaling food, drink, or anything else, into his lungs. I have read that the risk of developing aspiration pneumonia is reduced when drinking pure water compared to other fluids or food. Just something to consider when using anything but water to take medications. I agree with lealonnie1 below about having your dad's swallowing difficulty evaluated by medical professionals.
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You can get 72 snack size cups of unsweetened applesauce from Amazon for $29.00since you are concerned about cost
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Kid poach apple sauce
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Maybe buying a small used refrigerator to put at his bedside. Or if he just uses a small unsweetened applesauce, whoever gets breakfast can put it in the fridge, it can stay out for up to 2 hours.
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