She is a recovering alcoholic. I often drink with her but not at 7 am. I am her POA.
A recovering alcoholic is not recovering at all if they're still drinking at 7am or at 7pm or any time in between. Sounds like you're enabling "her" to continue drinking while pretending to be a "recovering alcoholic".
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to lealonnie1

My alcoholic Mom would be drinking at 7am while making breakfast for us before school. She'd pour bourbon in her coffee. She drank like this for 30 years. She made everyone's life miserable.

She is no "recovering" alcoholic. Drinking at 7am is FULL BORE. She will need antibuse or a recovery facility to ever quit.

You are enabling her addiction drinking anything with her as well. Shame on you.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Dawn88
AlvaDeer 3 hours ago
I honestly think our OP kind of knows this. I almost don't believe this question. It made me want to say "Sure, why not. Alcohol is an option". It surely was for my MIL. Vodka and OJ helped her right on out of a troublesome life.
Wow. I thought I’d seen it all on here, and now this. Irrational reasoning caused by alcohol is a main reason I avoid alcoholics.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Fawnby

She is not recovering if she is drinking. She is a alcoholic. Generally someone drinking in the morning has pretty advanced alcoholism.

How old is she? If she is in her 40's or 50's many still can heal from alcoholism.
If she is in her 80's it is more of a long shot to heal from alcoholism.

I found a lot of help from me at AlAnon. My Dad was a drink in the morning alcoholic.
I had to step away from it. I learned from AlAnon to take care of me and put the focus on me and not the alcoholic.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to brandee

Alcoholics will seldom not find a way to get alcohol. In fact many of them can down a bottle of Listerine in days. You will not be able to control your sister's alcoholism. I would suggest that you might consider joining both AA and Al-Anon so that you can work on yourself, and your relationship to your alcoholic sister.

Do consider filling in your profile so that in future we may give you more in depth answers. Meanwhile attend AA for the sake of you both.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

There really is not enough information.
Does she have any other medical conditions?
What is her age?
If she has other medical conditions and or dementia stopping alone can be fatal depending on how much alcohol is consumed daily. (and I am guessing if she is drinking before 7am it is a lot)
The fact that you are drinking with her may be problematic. How much are you drinking? Does it effect you capacity as a POA or caregiver if you are a caregiver?
You stop drinking and you can help
And I beg to differ....if she is still drinking she is not a "recovering alcoholic" she is an alcoholic.
There is a good possibility that her doctor needs to be involved with the process. there are medications that can be given. BUT alcoholism is not just a physical addiction it is mental, emotional.
Al-Anon for both of you would maybe help.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Grandma1954

First off, "recovering alcoholics" Do Not Drink any longer. There's no info on your sister: age? Is she terminal? I'd say if she's terminal and absolutely will not survive 6 months then let her drink all she wants. If it brings her comfort and calms her, so be it! What's it going to hurt at this point.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Mamacrow

Surely your post is a joke right?
If "she" is a recovering alcoholic, then she wouldn't be drinking right? But the fact that she still is drinking just makes her a down right alcoholic just like you.
If this is a legit post then you both need help, and you should not be this women's POA, as she deserves to have someone sober that has her best interests in mind.
You just can't make this shit up can you?
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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