
My mom is 89 years old and fell in memory care and fractured her femur. The doctor told us today she needs more care and will have to go to SNF permanently. We were told the facility she usually goes to will not accept her as a patient and wouldn't tell us the reason. Is this legal, and shouldn't they have to tell you the reason? We don't know if it was our mom or us kids since we are very involved in her care. Its going to make it very difficult for us to visit her if we have to place her far away.

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Sorry she is 89 years old, its been a long day at the hospital.
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We were told (by whom?) that the facility she "usually" (???) goes to will not accept her as a patient and (who?) wouldn't give a reason.

Who have you yourself spoken to about this? Where is your mother now?

What's that "usually goes to" all about? Is there some history with this NH that we need to know about to understand the situation?

Last question (promise!) - who has formal, legal responsibility for making decisions for your mother?
Helpful Answer (4)

It's possible that SNF just doesn't have room for your mother at the moment, don't forget. It isn't necessarily anything personal.

If you didn't speak to the SNF yourself: perhaps the person who enquired didn't think to ask why the SNF was saying no, just took no for an answer, and then made it sound as though the SNF was refusing to say.
Helpful Answer (6)

I don't see why the SNF would have to take anyone or give out a reason. It's a private company. They have the right to refuse service. They can accept who they want or reject anyone for any reason. The only place that I cant think of that has to take anyone is the ER. Doctors don't have to accept patients so why would a SNF? That's why many hospitals say they don't have emergency facilities even though they are fully equipped to handle emergencies. They want to reserve the right to refuse service.

Pure speculation here, but it could be that she needs to be in a SNF permanently. Who's going to pay for that after medicare stops paying? If they know that she will be there permanently, they might not want to take on so much unknown.

As for not telling you why, from their point of view, there's no advantage for them to. Doing so doesn't benefit them at all. Best case scenario, it opens them up to liability. For the same reason, no one should ever tell anyone why they aren't hiring them. It amazes me that so many people do. That's how to hire 101. Never tell someone why your aren't going to hire them. It just opens you up to a possible lawsuit. The less said the better.
Helpful Answer (8)
tevincolorado Feb 2020
Medicare isn't paying now.
Who called to make the arrangements for your mom? Did you or her facility? When my mom was in the hospital they recommended that she go for rehab at a skilled nursing facility. The hospital made all of the arrangements. I went in to finalize paperwork but they spoke to them about the placement.
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It’s called cherry picking. However, they have the legal right to refuse your mother as a resident. If they told you the reason you might sue!
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If you or your Mom are seen as difficult to deal with, that could be the reason. They might not want that extra stress. No, they don't have to tell you that.
Helpful Answer (13)

As others have mentioned, it probably depends on how your mother can pay, the availability of beds, and her new condition (now, being ready for discharge). If it's a Medicare or Medicaid bed, someone else might have taken her "spot" while she was away. Whatever you do, don't let them discharge her home to you or to her home by herself! Please update us and let us know how things are going.
Helpful Answer (7)

My FIL was not accepted into several facilities. One reason, he needed more care than staff could provide. He caused a lot of disturbances in hospital/rehab. Evidently, we ran out of options. Settled on getting a 2 bdrm, 2 ba apartment close to us & hired a live in caregiver.
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Give Social Worker a few choices so you’re not depending on just one place. Tell them you can’t take her home as there’s nobody to take care of her. Just try to get her in a place & don’t worry about why another place wont take her. That is why you have to have a few backups . Hugs 🤗
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SNF using hospital stay to legally discharge her. Legal as long as proper steps followed.
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It could be they don't have a bed available. How was she going to pay? Privately or Medicaid. Some facilities only allow so many Medicaid beds.
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Update on situation
I spoke with owner of SNF. They wont take my mom for rehab because she only gets a week and if we can't find a SNF which we won't, 2 year waiting list everywhere in our area Northern Calif, they will have to keep her on rehab side till bed comes available and they will lose money. We tried to bring her back to memory care facility which we already paid $6,000.oo for month of February with home nurse and PT and they said the only way they will take her back if she is on hospice. They encourage all there patients to go on hospice, so they wont have to do showers and resident gets more care. We have no where to take her so she is going back to memory care where she fell because in state of Calif. you cant have full rail on bed and there isn't any way to keep her safe. She will not get PT, and if she doesn't get PT she will be bedridden. So the best we can do at this time is have hospice keep her pain free and know she is to weak to get out of bed, so no risk of falling.
Helpful Answer (1)
Grandma1954 Feb 2020
I would place her on Hospice. Hospice will only keep her on if she continues to decline otherwise she would be discharged from Hospice until such time that she would qualify again. This sounds like a pretty cheap way for the facility to care for residents. The fact that they do not have to provide service to some residents while using Hospice CNA's to care for the people that are paying to be a resident. (sounds convoluted but I hope you understand what I's early and no coffee yet)
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