
She's abusive toward her kids.

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Yes, she is likely to end up a ward of the state in a lockdown psy unit.

I have known two BPD. Once they get used to having you are also going to be subjected to wild swings and abusive behavior.... not just family get to enjoy this

Next major flare up, call 911. Have her transported for safety..hers and others. Then, demand a transfer to a facility to handle her. Do not accept this person not accept responsibility to see to hr continued safety. Done. Let social services handle it
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People with BPD are often only mean toward their immediate family members and act normal with others unless they begin to get too close. Just having BPD does not make one incompetent, although it does make them difficult if not impossible to deal with.
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Rockchick - Guardianship is normally sought through the local (county) probate court or family court. She would need a doctor to opine that the person is incapable of handling her own affairs or seeing to her own care - it sounds like the lady's doctor should be willing to do this based on what you said. The exact procedure and requirements should be obtained from the court that has jurisdiction. Either call the clerk of the court and ask how to do it or hire a lawyer who has the expertise in this area. Google is your friend. You can look up something like "how to file a guardianship petition in xyz state/county" or similar to figure out where to start.

Good luck to Joe and Jamie. I don't disagree with the idea of just cutting off contact and protecting themselves, but if they want to stay involved and get help for her a guardianship petition is one avenue to pursue.

Another thing they could do is call 911 the next time she becomes violent or self-destructive and have her admitted for psychiatric evaluation. I've actually done that twice in my life, with people that were suicidal, and they did receive psychiatric help. That would be a lot cheaper and more immediate than petitioning for guardianship. But it might not result in a permanent placement in care, which seems to be what they want.
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I would not wait until she actually becomes physically violent to call 911. I would call when I felt threatened and tell the person she has been physically violent in the past which you are afraid they are about to do again. I've had to do this.
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Only if someone obtains guardianship over her, which requires that she be found by a court to be incompetent.
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I would make sure the group home knows the truth of this person. Often these group senior homes cannot handle psych. Problems on the scale of BPD.
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They should cut off all contact with her.
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Cr0105: bpd is short for borderline personality disorder and bp is bipolar.
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Nine years is a long time. I can only imagine that Joe needs mental help himself.
Look on the county and state website for guardianship information. . Seek consultations with attorneys. Speak with her doctors. Hopefully you will be able to gather resources to have her placed in a safe home where she can receive therapy.
Hopefully you or Joe will discover someone who can assist. It must have been a tough life. Do take action before someone gets hurt even more.
You are a good friend.
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"Joe" and "Jamie" must be adults, right? Why are they even in this person's life? I thought you were advocating for some young children, then saw that they are in a relationship--WHY do they stay within arm's reach of this woman??

The next time she "rages" call 911. Ask for police and EMT's. Make them take her to the hospital or to jail. There she will be evaluated and treated, one would hope.

Someone like this is a danger to the community. I'm sure that id half of what you're stating is true, it will come out when "Joe and Jamie" are talked to.

Sadly, BPD is very hard to treat as most patients are treated against their will. I had a brother with BPD and schizophrenia (untreated). He was a walking, living nightmare. I had a restraining order against him. He died 4 years ago--I still feel fear if I see someone who looks or acts like him.

"Joe and Jamie" need to get away from this abusive, sick person, whatever it takes. I do not understand why they stay in the line of fire.....I'm NOT blaming them for her actions, but if they are hanging around and just taking it, I have little sympathy for that.
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