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I don't know how he could LEGALLY do that. More importantly, why is he getting involved in the first place?
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Just a simple gesture as taking her for a ride at the manipiulation of my mother so she can go to the bank and close out the account that pays for the ALF. He is believing my mother's convincing stories about wanting to go to her condo even though she is 91,blind and wheelchair bound. When I talked to him he said "remember she has her constitutional rights". My mother is not complaining about problems in the home, just wants to go to the condo or somewhere else because that's what she did all her life was move, move and married 5 times and is resentful because I am her daughter and try to do to the best I can.
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Can you sell the condo and remove that threat? Who is the POA for her, or is there one? You know, it's all well and good this guy talks about YOUR mother's constitutional rights, but just go over HIS head and start meddling in his affairs, I bet he'd change his tune. Does the ALF know what's going on? I guess I have more questions than answers for you, sorry. But I'm getting mad just thinking about this dipwad butting in. I would certainly butt in myself if I thought someone was being abused, but not into financial affairs that I know nothing about.
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I would make sure that the ALF was notified and that he wouldn't be allowed to take your mother out of the home....I am sure he probably thinks he is helping but doesn't realize that what your mother thinks is best for her isn't.....he is only making matters worse for you.
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