
92 years old

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If you mean treat it, you need antibiotics prescribed by doctor. If you mean prevent ones that keep coming back, consult a urologist. They can evaluate whether diet change, constant antibiotics, change in incontinence products, or catheter will help.
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Definitely a doctor.

YOU cannot stop a urine infection. You can only make sure the person sees a physician and a urine analysis needs to be done. UTI's can be devastating so the sooner the better.
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I agree you have to go to a Dr for antibiotics. They will take a urine sample to determine which one they need to prescribe
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If by stop you mean treat..
A UTI or bladder infection needs to be treated by a Doctor.
They can be hard to diagnose.
If by "Stop" them do you mean prevent?
Often you can't but there are things you can do to limit the risk and even these hints may not work all the time.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Cranberry juice will sometimes help prevent them if one is prone to bladder infections.
Urinate often.
Clean the "peri area" well.
Change pants, briefs, underpads and clothing and bedding as soon as it gets wet.
If the person is using a bedpan or a urinal clean and sanitize that after each use. If this is a reoccurring problem it would be a good idea to clean and sanitize the toilet seat or commode seat if this is used.
If the person has a catheter it might not be possible to prevent the UTI's as this is one of the problems with having a cath, the increased risk of UTI's.
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To prevent a UTI, make sure he is drinking plenty of fluids (avoid sugary drinks). Cranberry juice is helpful. Avoid overuse of antibiotics (causes overgrowth of bacteria). If he is incontinent try natural briefs (no voc's). If he does not need protective underwear try PACT organic underwear. Pact is a wonderful company. I can't say enough good things about organic clothing ( synthetic clothing can be very irritating). Pact Organic are the only clothes my loved ones wear. Put him on probiotics as a preventative measure (some probiotics need refrigeration, some don't). I use acidophilus lactobacillus. To alleviate the pain of a current UTI mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with two capsules (empty capsules into the water for fast absorption) of grapefruit seed extract in a 16 oz glass of water. Mix and drink down quickly. (This is not grapefruit that affects medication). It tastes totally repulsive but have him toss it off quickly and give him a mint to kill the aftertaste. This will afford immediate relief. Do not use this more than twice a day in a 24 hour period. Too much baking soda can be toxic. I use Organic baking soda at the health food store but other baking soda works just as well. I have had amazing success with this routine. I would also have him wear the Pact 100 percent organic sweatpants that are breathable and are deliciously comfortable. I hope this helps your loved one. My sister hasn't had a UTI since I have followed this routine and she used to have them frequently. God bless you. Sending you much love and prayers!!
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I second the cranberry juice or supplement. Also, as people have mentioned, hygiene is crucial (and often the first thing to go).
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A UTI (urinary track infection) will go away on its own. Many people have them and are not even aware that they do. However, UTI's with severe symptoms such as burning can be treated with drugs other than antibiotics. Overuse of antibiotics can be a problem. Also, wearing Depends and changing them often ensures clean underwear that won't breed bacteria. 
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Susan........a UTI will NOT normally 'go away on its own' and can easily turn into a kidney infection or worse! Many UTIs have NO noticeable symptoms, such as burning while urinating! When my dad was acting 'spaced out' we'd have him tested for UTIs and quite often, the test was positive in spite of him showing no typical symptoms. Same thing with my mom. No matter how clean an elderly person is, some urine is trapped inside the bladder after each elimination, builds up, and can create a UTI. In my parents case, their UTIs were never treated with anything other than antibiotics; no holistic cures that I know of are effective.
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If a person is known to contract recurrent UTIs, you can use a two tier approach. Antibiotics will treat the innediate infection but your loved one will still run the risk of getting another. The best approach to treat recurrent UTIs would be to also prevent the flow of pathogens (that live naturally in the anal and perineal areas) to the urethra. Look into UTI Freedomsrltrips, they do just that. Although designed for use in females they will also work on a male. 
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Some of the causes of UTI's have been mentioned before. Loved the holistic and traditional advice of seeing a doctor. I would like a more detailed list of causes. Some have mentioned cleanliness, hydration, and body chemistry. There are also physical changes like thinning of the tissue in the urinary track. Treated by hormone creams. Could we add to this list of causes?
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If the urine smells strong the risk greater. A home health rep told me to increase the water if the urine smells strong and that has helped. Also, a Cranberry supplement seems to help and is OTC. As for causes not yet mentioned, I found mom putting a little tissue in her panties for just in case moments, which contributed to keeping conditions right for the UTI. Long story short, check our your loved one's health habits; they often do the unexpected.
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My mom had reoccurring urinary tract infections. They were NASTY. She was normally self-centered and a Drama Queen, but when she had a UTI, she became violent, hallucinatory and disoriented. If you suspect one, do NOT ignore it because it WONT go away on its own. Because of her symptoms and behaviors when she had one, I asked the facility where she was to please test her at least monthly for an infection. They were only too happy to agree. The ER nurse told me once that mom's hygiene "down there" was lacking at suggested a sitz bath daily. There really is no proactive way to deal with UTI's, just reactive. You may want to investigate if there are any home testing kits you could use when you suspect one. 
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drink a lot of water is a start & if possible no soda be best vitamin C cranberry pill too but my mother gets 1 a month she has a upper pubic catheter .makes it worse ..i can tell before they test her she is totally not normal recent one is she was raped ..which never happen ..i was told that GNC vitamin place has something for go ask if you got one around & get some ..if works get a lot cause it may not be around ..seem like everytime find something good it is never around again ..good luck
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Hello.My elderly mother started to get lots of urinary tract infections.The bacteria was always ecoli that grew out in urine cultures that was causing the infections.In her case it was that she was not bathing or showering and also she was wiping improperly.Stool was getting up in the urinary tract area which will cause infections.Also in elderly they may not drink enough fluids to keep things flushed out.If a UTI is suspected go to Dr.They will take urine specimen to determine whether there is infection and prescribe antibiotics if there is one.In future to prevent them,we had the best luck with washing mom's bottom up very clean,front and back every time she toileted.The extra hygiene seemed to stop the infections.Then push fluids but not to an excess.Too much fluid could cause problems if the person has any congestive heart failure issues.In elderly it is hard to know if there is a urinary tract infection because the symptoms are different in elderly.My mom would start getting confused more than normal,maybe like agitated and not sleeping well and she would have more falls.Then we would get her tested and find she did have a urinary tract infection.In her case it was mostly due to the bacteria from the rear getting into the urinary tract area.Hope this helps.
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Antibiotics to treat. This is nothing to mess with. Septic UTIs are a leading cause of death for seniors. To prevent use cranberry juice or supplement. Lots of water or water w. additive like Crystal Lite. Good hygiene/cleanliness.
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I wish I knew the answer to this one! My mother is currently in the hospital for a UTI for the second time in 2 months. The first time, she had stopped eating and become very weak for a couple of weeks. A nurse had been there to check her vitals, and said all was OK. That weekend, she had horrible diarrhea so she went to the ER. She was in septic shock. Miraculously, she survived. She started eating again and was able to go out to dinner and was pretty upbeat.

Btw, she is 84, had a stroke a year ago which paralyzed her left side; she is fully incontinent and in a wheelchair. She can't do anything for herself, so she has 24/7 home care.

A few days ago, she seemed kind of tired and shaky when we went out to eat. Again, a nurse had been there that day (dealing w a bedsore) and her vitals and temp were normal. We got home from dinner and she threw up, so back to the ER it was. She had 102.5 temp and is now recovering from another UTI which fortunately was caught in time.

This is really crazy, though. I don't know how we are going to prevent more of these episodes. She can't pee in a cup, so we can't test for UTI at home. And we always have to call 911 to get her to the ER, because when she's sick, she can't sit in the chair, so we can't take her there. It's hard to know what symptoms warrant a call to 911 - which is so dramatic and extreme.
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If you mean topically, then you keep the area clean, treated with anabiotic's and dressed. If it's real bad, I would get to your local grocer and hit the spice rack. Look for a spice called alum. Get a few bottles of it to keep in your medicine cabinet, it's very good for drawing out infections and helps speed healing. You can safely put alum into an open wound that's been cleaned. You can also soak a rag and a strong solution of alum and water. Apply it to the infected area and let it work until you feel the effects from the drawing. The first affects will feel like somewhat like a vibration, it's working. Don't remove the dressing yet, there's a second feeling you should be feeling when the alum is done working. This particular feeling will be a form of discomfort when it's been on for long enough. When you remove the dressing, the disc comfort will immediately stop. By now the infection has been stripped of the ability to thrive in the wound, it should start healing as long as more bad bacteria is not re-introduced into that wound. At this point, continue keeping it clean, dry, and dressed with a protective dressing. If you put creams on too much and it requires being dried out, that's when you need to start drying it out. Not all infections will respond to creams and ornaments, some of them actually need to be cleaned and dried out. 

Internal infection? No problem! 

If you mean a UTI, then this patient needs to start drinking enough water. The human body needs about 64 fluid ounces each day but sadly many people don't drink that much. Sometimes plain water is just too much to drink that much every single day. However, if you find a certain brand of bottled water that suits your taste buds, drinking that much water is much easier. Purified water that's obviously better than tap water will encourage you to want to drink more often, and before you know it you'll have drank what your body needs in a day. You can also add a little flavoring to your water, but for a UTI though, you really need straight water, especially ice water to shrink internal swelling. I know because I've had a few of my own and I know from experience what really works. Other things besides ice water that may also work are cranberry juice, grape juice and even prune juice. Sometimes when you have an infection you should also clean out the colon. Cleaning out as much of your internal organs as possible by doing an internal flush will definitely help get things going. Another thing that may also help is doing a bone broth diet. Last night I saw a video by a doctor who specializes in dietary alternatives to modern medicine. He was saying how beneficial bone broth really is an even taking a collagen supplement is also very helpful. Bone broth and collagen in your diet are surprisingly very beneficial to human health even as you age. This other stuff never replaces the human body's need for water, water is very essential for survival. Another recommended thing is watermelon and any other juicy fruit. You can also take various fruits and make custom smoothies, also very good for health and healing. Most importantly though, don't forget the water
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My mother has a constant UTI. She is always on some antibiotic. Part of her problem is that she cannot completely empty her bladder, ever. They finally inserted a supra pubic catheter and for a couple of months, that might have helped. Now she just lets the urine collect in the bag she wears. I KNOW she doesn't drink enough--her urine is rusty colored and smells horrible. She also cannot clean her cath bags appropriately and so there is always a fresh batch of bacteria waiting. She is still semi-incontinent, and wears depends AND a pad--setting up the perfect storm for UTI's. Her hygiene is iffy--she still won't allow for any aides in her home, so we just have to hope she's keeping things clean. I know at one time I gave her a "peri" bottle and told her to wash herself with warm water after each use of the bathroom--and later found said bottle, covered in dust in a cupboard.

UTI's are miserable, but my mother loves misery, so although we've done everything we can to encourage her to be on top of this---she still has one per month, at least.

I agree--liquids and hygiene are the 2 best "preventers". Also, some people are simply prone to them. I am 61 and have had ONE in my whole life. I can't remember a time mother wasn't just recovering from one or needing a ride to the dr's because she had another one.

And she doesn't become mentally agitated or act any differently. So that isn't true for everyone.
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The other day I had someone come into my store asking for donations for a funeral for his mom. His story was that she was being cared for by someone who ignored a wet "pamper" so long that a bedsore became contaminated and set up an infection that led to her death. Don't know the real story, if there is one; but this might be something to watch for in similar situations.
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Mom is 89, has Dementia. has had many UTI's. Altho we try our best to provide proper hygiene in her care..IT HAPPENS. Last time the urologist said she has an antibiotic resistant infection and there was nothing they could give her. I've been giving her D-Mannose and it has helped alot. UTI's are such a bummer!
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As a nurse I have seen one simple thing that people do not do which can avoid e coli infections: wipe from front to back.
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Baby wipes work also to clean a person after using the toilet.
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I have always heard about cranberry juice, but studies found it to be almost worthless in stopping or preventing UTI'S a big surprise. A more alkaline food and drinks are recommended, such as fruit and maybe some vegetable juices. Goggle it . But a dietitian would be a good place to start for preventin. For active UTI'S get to a doctor fast
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I've hear that cranberry juice is not good for people with kidney stones. My mom has a large one, which is probably contributing to the UTIs. Her urologist says the stone is complicated enough that the only way to get it out would be surgery. It's not major surgery, but it would require general anesthesia and she'd have to go off her blood thinner. He thinks with all her health problems, surgery would be too risky. So, on it goes ...
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Someone on here said "you cannot stop a urine infection", not necessarily true. For external, just follow topical wound care for open wound. For a rash, just keep it clean and dry. For a UTI, just drink plenty of water and appropriate juices. Anabiotic's only help speed up the healing process but you can get rid of a UTI on your own, but with cooperation from the patient. Remember, I'm sure nursing home still with this kind of stuff all the time and I'm sure every time something gets an infection they don't run them to the hospital for every little thing. We can learn a lot from the nursing homes. Most importantly, don't be too dependent on anabiotics, this is a widespread problem now as bacteria are becoming more and more resistant, requiring stronger antibiotics. You can only depend on anabiotic's for long until eventually they don't work. It's been said that it's now being considered to get some white away from antibiotics and seek natural alternatives.  in fact, it's about time to study some history and learn from our forefathers and see how they took care of illness. Before hospitals and modern medicine, people actually made their own medicines. There are natural medicines out there, but you won't find them unless you know a little bit about living off the land and eating and all natural diet
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Well if they are having chronic urine infections, it may be a separate problem. We though my mom was having chronic urinary infections and then we found out she had bladder cancer.

You should talk to her physician.
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The elderly symptoms r different than younger people. The cause mostly because they can't void completely.  If they have one antibiotics is the only thing that clears it up.  The last one Mom was  catherized to get all the urine.  They sent her home with cranberry capsels and probiotic.  She hasn't had another one since Oct 2016.
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The imprtant thing about cranberry juice if you are using it is to be sure it is pure cranberry and not a mixture with other juices
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I think that is why Mom is on a pill. Juice has to be pure cranberry, no sugar. Hard to drink like that.
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