
If she banged it on something wouldn't there be a contact bruise or cut? If bit by something a puncture? It's been red swollen all day no bruising but we did play balloon volley ball 2 days ago. She's not complaining of pain and will only keep ice on it a short time.

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Keep an eye out for it spreading, it could be cellulitis
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thank you all very much.had home health nurse check it out today and she also had appt with heart docter so he looked while they were there....yes my first thought was cellulitis thats why i reached out but i think that usually starts with a cut or scrape ...i believe....anyhoot they all said it could be a number of thing but none that need attention...more than likely she bumped something....probably while we were balloon volleyballing....but thank you all so so much.this is the best job ever .....actually i think i mean best patient ever lol i just love her...she says im her favorite roommate ...i treat her like my best friend so she doesnt even realize im her rewarding.thanks for so much more comfortable knowing im not alone on so many things.
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I was thinking cellulitis too.
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Another vote for cellulitis. Please get it checked by a doctor right away.
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That makes 4 of us...I couldn't remember what it was called. A friend developed it, out of nowhere several years ago. Spent 3 days in the hospital on intravenous antibiotics.

Please take her to the doc NOW.
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Hattygirl, so glad you got it checked. Always check these things out. The truth is that our elders often don't feel pain in the way we would expect, as the sensation, especially in the extremities can be very impaired. So there can actually be problems that don't cause them pain, but can be real problems. Glad this got checked out and you have an answer.
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Because of the "balloon volley" it is most likely the simplest explanation for the swelling. With elderly frail bones, osteoporosis, and other weakened bone conditions, the bones can break without a cause. Or a sprain, torn ligament.
Or an internal infection.

It could be many other things. Does she have rheumatoid arthritis?

Be sure to report this to her family. I would have her doctor see her. imo.

There are so many others more qualified than me who will stop by to answer you.
I just did not want you to be left without any answer. Welcome Hattygirl.
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It sounds as if she may have been bitten or stung. Remember that even if we were medical professionals here, we cannot diagnose or treat what might be happening, we can only guess. If there is a nurse available to you or if you have the means to transport her to an Urgent Care and have her seen in person, that would be your best bet.
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Cellulitis usually occurs in dependent limbs that have swelling and the blood flow back to the heart is compromised. Phlebitis I would say if she had a lab draw yes but not likely cellulitis in her hand. Not to say it doesn’t ever happen but the likelihood of cellulitis is small.
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