
My mom will be turning 77soon. My mom has been held captive in her home by my brother who is a major drug addict. He broke down her door numerous times and tried to kill my younger brother with a baseball bat and when my mom tried to help him, my big brother punched her in the face. She called me yesterday and told me that he has been harassing her over the phone. She had a PFA against him but, it has expired. I told her to get another on ASAP. My younger stays with her at times and checks on her by phone daily. I live over 100 miles away from her and there is no way I can help her. I am really worried about her safety! She will be turning 77 soon and has numerous health issues and just last year had to have a hip replacement. I was told about your agency from my ex-husband who has a master's degree in Social Work, so he knows about some of these kind of issues. He suggested I contact Active Aging to help with checking on her well being. I hope you can help her her and protect her.

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I hate to be blunt here, but doesn't anyone know how to dial 911? And why can't Mom move in with you until the dust settles?
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Are you in the US? Call the local police and ask for a wellness check.
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DKisa, this isn't an agency; it's an online forum on which people post questions and others answer.

I am at a loss to understand why all this family violence has been occurring and (a) the police haven't been called, and (b) the restraining order hasn't been renewed or reapplied for, or (c) why someone hasn't reported the drug abuser to the police for action and hopefully prosecution.

100 miles is far, but you could get there in a few hours. It seems to me that if you're going to get some results, perhaps you'd better go down there, get your mother and take her to the courthouse or wherever she needs to go to get a renewed restraining order.

And file complaints with the police against the physical abusers.

This is a serious situation; do it now. Take time off work if you have to, but get it done before someone is physically injured.

You have knowledge of the situation; if something happens and your mother is injured, one of the questions asked would be why YOU didn't act on the knowledge you have.
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There is no additional advice to give but to recap:
1. Call 911
2. Get a wellness check
3. Do something

There is "no way" you can help her? How on earth is an online forum going to protect your mother? This sounds like another stroll down jiggery pokery lane!
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100 miles isn't that far, that you CAN'T DO ANYTHING! Like GA suggested, please help her to get the restraining order back in force, and look into alternative living arrangements for her, such as a Senior apartment that she could manage on her own, or Assisted Living. Other than a previous hip replacement, you didn't mention exactly what her physical impairments are, but those will definitely need to be assessed and addressed, when arriving at a decision for placement. You are unable to have her live with or near you? Being around drug addicts and in an unsafe environment and the stress she must constantly be in must be agonizing for you and her. She needs help and support Now! Take some time, and take her to the Dr's, Lay it ALL out on the table, and ask for help with support and safety issues. A good Dr will hopefully steer you in the right direction! Good Luck!!!
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I couldn't stop thinking about your mother and the dangerous situation in which she's living, as well as what I hope isn't a misinterpretation that you're trying to find someone else to handle the intervention. But consider these statements:

"I live over 100 miles away from her and there is no way I can help her. I am really worried about her safety! .... I hope you can help her her and protect her."

Perhaps you really didn't realize the nature of this forum, but I wonder (and hope I'm wrong) if you're thinking that someone else is going to rush in and take care of dangerous situations that the family should have acted on and continue to be addressing.

If you're unwilling to drive just 100 miles, or uncomfortable getting involved or have other reasons for wanting someone else involved, then by all means as others have suggested, do something and do it ASAP. I can understand that someone might be uncomfortable intervening, but there's no excuse for not calling the proper authorities.

And I'm really still at a loss as to why the police haven't been called or aren't actively involved. They're the first and most important level of protection.

Another issue is whether or not anyone took your mother to the ER when she was punched in the face. The ER staff are, I believe mandated reporters and would have notified the police.
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Garden - in my opinion the reason why nothing has been done is because this is not a real situation. Even toddlers know how to call 911.
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NYDIL, I'm beginning to think the same thing. There's just too much angst and not enough evidence of really want to step in and get something accomplished. If this were my parent, I'd have intervened at the first sign of trouble.
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Me and my wife are going through this now. We don't agree with the idea of placing parents in facilities. We make this clear in our VLOG
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Caution: Bailey's link is NOT a legitimate link. Don't click on it. This poster has been reported; this post is one of 3 he/she/it's made today.
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